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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

When Hilda turned around, she discreetly wiped her tears away

Witnessing this, Carlisle felt another pang in his heart. He clenched his fists

In his heart, he vowed that his parents would be proud of him when his SATs results were released

At the dining table, Gordon took out the unfinished wine he had served Gerard


You’re an adult now, and you’ve finished your SATS. Have a drink with your old man!” 

There’s beer in the fridge, so just drink beer. Why are you drinking wine?Hilda glared at Gordon with annoyance. Then, she walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle beer

The father and son drank together, chatting intermittently

Gordon didn’t mention a word about Carlisle’s entrance exam

After a few drinks, Gordon suddenly asked, Son, if you don’t pass the exam, are you planning to retake it or pursue a skill?” 

To Gordon, it was necessary to have a good talk with Carlisle even though this question would hurt his 


Carlisle drank half a glass of beer. He replied confidently, There’s no Ifs. I’ll pass for sure!” 

Gordon stared at Carlisle with slightly reddened eyes. Seeing his son’s confident expression, he 

swallowed the rest of his words

Gordon raised his glass and said heartily, Let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s drink,” 

You two, take it easy on the drinks,Hilda said with her head lowered as she sipped the tomato soup

After Carlisle finished his beer, he announced, Dad, I’ve made plans with Sean to play basketball!

Gordon waved his hands. Go ahead. Youngsters should stay active!” 

I might stay over at his place,Carlisle added

Gordon asked, Won’t you be disturbing his family?” 

No. His parents are usually at the store!With these words, Carlisle left the house

Hilda sighed softly and set her spoon down. He’s probably going with Sean to surf the internet!” 

The SATs are over, let him be. He’s not a child anymore!” 

Gordon munched on some nuts

Although they had revised with Carlisle all this time, they weren’t strict with him

In fact, they even pampered him


Before Carlisle, they had another child

Tragically, that child was taken away just a month after birth

During that time, their world was veiled in darkness

In this era of limited information, it was almost impossible to find the person who took the child away

When Carlisle was born two years later, they poured all their love into their son

Meanwhile, Carlisle rode his bike to an abandoned grain center

As soon as he locked his bike, someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind

Hey, Carl” 

Carlisle turned to see a boy about his age. The boy had a cigarette behind his ear. His hair covered almost 

half of his face

It was Kade Zimmer, Hayley’s son. He was expelled in the second year of high school due to fighting

Later, he was transferred to a vocational school

In Carlisle’s memory of his previous life, Xavier would impregnate a female classmate the next semester, Thus, he would be expelled from school again


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