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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Half an hour later, a lavishly dressed woman in her thirties entered the internet cafe with her nose pinched

Her slightly bulging abdomen indicated her pregnancy

Honey,Ivan greeted her with deference

Jessica Stewart rolled her eyes at Ivan. Could you please pay attention to the hygiene of this place? With such a strong foot odor, who would want to visit?” 

Ivan scratched his head. It’s full every day. It’s only around seven or eight in the morning that we don’t have many customers.” 

The woman took out a bundle tightly wrapped in newspaper from her bag

Here’s 100 thousand dollars. Keep the remaining 20 thousand for yourself. Next time, call me directly if you need money. My dad already looks down on you. Yet you keep asking him for money.” 

Yes, honey,Ivan replied with an awkward smile

He accepted the money from the woman, then smiled and said, You go rest in the bedroom first. I’ll go find that kid to trade the equipment!” 

The woman nodded and headed toward Ivan’s bedroom

Ivan unwrapped the newspaper and took out 20 thousand. Then, he placed the remaining 80 thousand in 

front of Carlisle. Here’s 80 thousand. Count it!” 

Sean stared in disbelief at the crisp new bills amounting to 80 thousand dollars. He found it hard to catch 

his breath

His father had managed to save only around 100 thousand dollars after more than a decade in business

In fact, each employee’s wage was a mere 600 dollars in his father’s store

And here was Carlisle, selling a single piece of equipment for 80 thousand dollars

Given Carlisle’s rebirth, he had experienced more than a decade of economic growth. His understanding of 80 thousand dollars transcended the current society

Carlisle just glanced at the stack of money indifferently and said, Let’s log in and make the trade now.” 

Ivan returned to the counter and logged into his account

your username Bygones_b_bygones?Ivan asked

Yes. Are you The_Whisperwind? Carlisle confirmed again, even though they had already confirmed the Information earlier

Yeah, that’s me.Ivan clicked directly on the trade

Carlisle dragged the Heavenly Sword into the trade window

Chapter 32 


Ivan purchased the Heavenly Sword for the price of one gold coin

Once the transaction was completed, Carlisle felt a wave of relief wash over him

After Ivan checked the attributes of the Heavenly Sword, he took out a camera from the drawer and snapped a few pictures

He had purchased the Heavenly Sword with the intention to resell it at a higher price. Buying it for 80 thousand and reselling it for 100 thousand would yield him a profit of 20 thousand

It would take his small internet cafe four months just to earn that much

Mr. Sanders, it’s getting late. We’ll take off now.Carlisle and Sean had already left their seats

Okay, Carlisle. We’re officially friends now.” 

Ivan rose from his seat and handed them cigarettes. Whenever you drop by to use the internet in the future, I’ll only charge you a dollar!” 

Carlisle nodded with a smile. Thanks, Mr. Sanders!” 

Ivan escorted the pair out of the internet cafe

Carlisle and Sean went straight to a restaurant and treated themselves to a lavish breakfast

As they were about to finish their meal, Carlisle took out 20 thousand dollars and handed it to Sean. Sean, this 20 thousand is for you!” 

CarlThis-Sean gaped at Carlisle in disbelief


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