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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 

At that moment, Benjamin walked into the hospital with some of his guys

He quickened his pace when he saw Carlisle standing by the elevator


Carlisle glanced back

Noticing the bloodstains on Benjamin’s face, he frowned and said, Don’t you wash your face in the 


Is my face that dirty?Benjamin asked, turning to one of his followers

One of them nodded and said, There’s blood” 

The elevator doors opened, and two uniformed officers stepped out

Benjamin’s muscles tensed, and his men appeared equally nervous

Benjamin Walton?one officer asked, his eyes sharp and scrutinizing

What do you want?Benjamin replied

Swallowing hard, he was clearly uneasy

The officer asked, What are you doing here?”” 

Benjamin nervously replied, I’m here to visit my brother.” 

The officer squinted and asked, You were at Sanctuary Resort yesterday, weren’t you?” 

Benjamin straightened up and confidently replied, I wasn’t there. I got drunk and slept at the disco. The staff there can vouch for me, and surveillance footage proves it.” 

The officer eyed the blood on Benjamin’s face

What about the blood on your face?” 

Benjamin quickly said, I butchered a chicken to make soup for my brother” 

The officer smirked

Your brother is unconscious. How would he drink soup?” 

Benjamin started to panic

Carlisle stepped in, explaining, He didn’t visit the hospital yesterday, so he doesn’t know about Heath’s 


Benjamin nodded vigorously

Yeah, I thought my brother had already woken up.” 

Chapter 332 

The two officers exchanged a glance before walking away

Benjamin let out a long sigh of relief. His shirt was already soaked with sweat

Carlisle led the group into the elevator

A moment later, they arrived outside Heath’s ICU room

Two officers stood guard outside the ICU. Their only task was to ensure no one had contact with Heath, so they didn’t question Carlisle and the others as they watched Heath through the glass

Heath lay on the bed with an oxygen tube in his nose. His body was covered in bandages

Benjamin placed his hands on the glass, his eyes red and body trembling. He was so tense his teeth were 

almost ground into dust. If he could, he would trade places with Heath in a heartbeat

Carlisle patted Benjamin on the shoulder and said, Your brother’s tough. Even the Grim Reaper wouldn’t 

be able to take him.” 

Then, Carlisle searched for Heath’s attending physician to inquire about his condition

Dr. Rowan Lowe was the attending physician who had operated on Heath the previous day. He was 52 years old, the head of surgery, and a professor of neurology

Carlisle asked, Dr. Lowe, what are the chances of Heath walking again?” 

Rowan sighed and shook his head


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