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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 


What’s 30 thousand dollars? Last year, a player sold a piece of equipment for over 200 thousand dollars! That was equivalent to a luxury mansion!” 

Wow, are things in the game really worth that much?Gordon felt like his worldview was about to 


They’re valuable, but it’s like playing the lottery. I’ve been playing since 2001 and haven’t made any money. Gordon, you’d better forget about making money in the game while you can!” 

I was just asking casually. I’m almost 40 years old. Where would I find the time to play games?Gordon laughed

Oh, Gordon, where are you working now? Are they still hiring? I think I might be laid off soon!” 

Gordon pretended to cough. Let’s discuss that later, I have something to attend to. I’ll hang up now!With that, he promptly ended the call

Gordon didn’t want Hilda to know about his layoff until he found another stable job

Hilda stared suspiciously at Gordon and asked, What’s with this talk about it later? Do you have

mistress outside?” 

Gordon didn’t react as explosively as Hilda had earlier. Instead, he grinned and replied, Seems like you still have high expectations of me. Do you think I’m capable enough to find a mistress

Hilda scoffed, You’re hopeless. You’re not even as capable as our son. Can you earn these 20 thousand


if my son 

Gordon glanced at the 20 thousand dollars on the table and said solemnly, Like father, like son, If 

is capable, it only proves his old man is capable too!” 

Your skin is as thick as armor,Hilda scolded, albeit with a smile

At noon, Hilda woke Carlisle up for lunch

Meanwhile, at the dining table, Gordon received a call from Gerard

Gerard had decided to come to the county at the end of the month for his daughter’s graduation banquet

Did Kelly’s SATs results come out already?” 


Ts just ended yesterday. Shouldn’t the results take longer to come out?Gordon asked, puzzled an arprised

Her uncle works in the Education Bureau. It wasn’t hard to check the results!Gerard’s tone was filled with pride

What’s her score?Gordon asked with a smile

She scored 1225, just five points shy of making it into Riverland University!Gerard sighed

Chapte 35 

On the surface, it seemed disappointing. But, in reality, this score was enough to stimulate Gordon

A score of 1225 was sufficient for various Tier 2 universities. It could even secure her a spot in some 

lowertier Tier 1 universities

Gordon lamented, What a shame! Only five points away!” 

Despite his strained relationship with Gerard, Kelly was still his niece

Gordon couldn’t help but, feel a tad sorry for her missing out on Riverland University by just five points

Gerard interpreted Gordon’s reaction as gloating. He remarked, We’ll have plenty of summer job openings at my construction site this year. Should I have Carl come over for some work experience?” 

Gordon’s expression turned grim instantly. No need. My son’s scores won’t be lower than your daughter’s

Gerard chuckled softly. It’s good to be confident. But you know Carlisle’s grades better than anyone. Listen to me. Don’t push him to retake the exam if he doesn’t pass

Success in education hinges on talent. Without talent, even three years of repeating won’t help. It’s better for him to start working early and earn money!” 

My family matters are none of your business, I’m hanging up!Gordon exclaimed angrily, about to end 

the call

Initially, he had considered asking Gerard to use his connections to check Carlisle’s scores. However, after hearing Gerard’s words, he felt too embarrassed to request his assistance

Hold on” 

Is there anything else?” 


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