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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351 

Benjamin finally spoke, I’ll deliver the message.” 

With that, he and Sirius helped 

other out of the villa


Outside, over a hundred men glared at them with such hatred that they would’ve been ripped to shreds if looks alone could kill

Boss, I don’t understand. We clearly have more leverageHenry said with confusion as he looked at Jalen

Jalen’s face was cold as he remarked, Ten chips of a hundred each can’t compare to one chip worth ten thousand.” 

Narcisse was his everything. He couldn’t take any risks with her safety. Not even a single hair on her head could be harmed

Henry asked, Does he know we’re behind Shein’s kidnapping?” 

Jalen frowned. “Did any of our men get involved in this?” 

Henry thought for a moment and nodded. “Hendrix had us arrange for someone to watch Sebastian. I had one of our men help out” 

The next second, realization dawned on him. It must have been his subordinate’s incompetence that caused the information leak. Thinking of this, he dialed Landon’s number, his face darkening


Landon questioned, Where are you?” 

I’m on my way to claim my reward. I’ll be there soon!” 


Henry ended the call after Landon’s reply, then received a cold glare from Jalen

I told you to stay out of this. And you picked unreliable people.” 

Henry bowed his head. It’s my mistake. I’ll make sure he gets taught a proper lesson.” 

Jalen sat on the couch and said calmly, Contact Ryder. Have him bring Hendrix’s family here.” 

Henry looked puzzled but didn’t dare to question further

He called Ryder, one of Jalen’s trusted men, who was in charge of protecting Hendrix’s family

It was now 4:00 pm

Six hours had passed since Shein and his family were kidnapped


At this moment, several trucks filled with cash had arrived outside Trodie Town. Hendrix had also demanded a helicopter from Shein

For the safety of himself and his children, Shein complied and arranged for one of his private helicopters to be brought in

Elsewhere, a few people were skulking around Network Nexus. This was an abandoned internet café in Riverwatch District, a property Yuriel had acquired for redevelopment

With no one guarding it, anyone could enter

Francis had brought Benjamin and Sirius to the internet café

Carlisle asked, Were you followed?” 

Francis nodded. Yes, by quite a few, but I managed to lose them.” 

Carlisle was pleased with Francis’s efficiency

Seeing Benjamin and Sirius covered in wounds, his mood grew heavy. “Benare you alright?” 

Benjamin forced a grin. I’ll live.” 

Carlisle patted Benjamin’s shoulder, his voice laced with guilt. You went through hell.” 

Benjamin shook his head. This is nothing.” 

Carlisle turned to Shania. “Shania, take them to get patched up.” 


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