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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Yes, that’s rightCarlisle placed his score report on the table

Sarah shuddered when she saw the score of 1400

He really did get a score of 1400. HeHow did he achieve that

He transformed from a slacker into one of the top, students within a month! Was this the power of love

Sarah took a deep breath. She smiled sweetly and asked, Shouldn’t you thank me then?” 

Carlisle was slightly stunned. Following that, he returned a slight smile

Why do I have to thank you? The person I should be most grateful to is Wanda. Without her guidance this past month, it would’ve been impossible for me to achieve this score!” 

Didn’t you only start studying hard because I told you that I wanted to study at Riverland University? Would you have gotten such good results if I hadn’t said that in the first place?” 

Sarah hung her head down low, making herself look as if she had been wronged. She was goodlooking to start off with. Her pitiful look tugged at people’s heartstrings

Sean, who had been watching by the side, almost had the urge to stand up and rebuke Carlisle

Fortunately, he and Carlisle were tight. As a bystander, he was able to recognize Sarah’s true colors. Right now, he just hoped that Carlisle wouldn’t turn back

Don’t you realize you’re just living in your own world, Sarah? I applied to Riverland University for my own 

sake. It had nothing to do with you at all!Carlisle laughed. He gazed at Sarah mockingly

Sarah glared at Carlisle in disbelief

He used to go along with everything she said. She couldn’t believe that he was capable of uttering such 

heartless words

What did he mean by saying she was living in her own world? Was there anything wrong with what she 


Sean noticed the frigidity in Carlisle’s response and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like Carlisle had 

really moved on from Sarah

Let’s go, Carl. It’s time for your celebration!” 

Carlisle had just got to his feet when the phone in his pocket ràng. His mother had called

Sarah saw that Carlisle had the latest Motorola Razr V3 in his hand. A look of shock flashed across her eyes once again

This model was just released last month. Its starting price was 4200 dollars. How was Carlisle able to 

afford it


All of a sudden, Sarah thought of a specific person

Wanda Thompson! It must have been Wanda who bought it for him

Sarah’s face went pale. A wave of disappointment swept over her as if she had lost the most important 

thing in the world

Carlisle answered the call while he walked out of the classroom with Sean

It had been almost a miqute since he answered the call. But Hilda still hadn’t said a word

So, Carlisle asked in an uncertain tone, Mom? Why aren’t you saying anything?” 

“I’ll ask him instead!” 

Gordan’s voice came from the other end of the call. He took the phone from Hilda’s hand and stuttered,” 


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