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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 4


A barely 646 square feet rental place served as their family of three’s modest home

The room was dimly lit, with wornout furniture displaying severe signs of peeling paint. The cracked floors exuded dampness, while the air carried a musty scent

It’s so damp, so it’s probably going to rain again!Hilda complained as she carried the groceries into the kitchen

Meanwhile, Carlisle headed straight to his bedroom to start his revision. Before doing so, he took out a notepad and a pencil to write down two phrases: Get into a universityand Earn money

For an ordinary person, the goal of taking the college entrance exam was to secure a better future. Then he could get a good job and earn money

But for Carlisle, it was to make up for regrets from his past life and to lift his parentsheads high in front of others

As for making money, it wasn’t too difficult for a reincarnator like him. There are plenty of opportunities to earn money in the coming years

After work, Gordon Zahn returned home with a bag of pastries. He was dressed in work clothes and had a slightly plump figure. He also had stubble on his cheek and messy hair

He stood at the door to watch for a while before heading to the kitchen to help

You better get out of here. You’re too clumsy!Hilda pushed Gordon out of the kitchen as she finished 


Gordon suddenly said, Hilda, have you noticed how hardworking our son is?” 

Hilda glared at Gordon with a displeased expression and asked, Is something wrong with you? You have something to say when he’s not working hard. Now that he is hardworking, you still have something to 


What I mean is, our son is working so hard. He’s bound to get into a better university!” 

Of course, Carl has inherited his mother’s talent and intelligence. It’s hard for him not to excel!” 

Nonsense! He obviously takes after his smart father!” 

You’ve got to be kidding me!” 

Hilda quickly prepared dinner, Carlisle was eager to finish his meal quickly so he could continue studying

Hilda was displeased and remarked, Take your time to finish. After all, no one is fighting for your food!” 

Time is money. I need to finish eating quickly so I can study. I don’t have much time left!Carlisle mumbled

Hilda suddenly felt sorry for him. She then continued, Carl, don’t stress yourself too much! Your health is more important!” 

Carlisle then realized that his abnormal behavior had worried his mother. He paused for a moment and continued smilingly, Mom, don’t worry, I’m not stressed out!” 

Gordon sipped his white wine and asked, Have you decided which university to apply to?” 

Riverland University,Carlisle replied

Gordon coughed and choked on his drink. Even Hilda’s mouth twitched slightly

As parents, they knew Carlisle’s grades well. With a little more effort this month, he should be able to get into a Tier 3 University

To say he would get into Riverland University was beyond belief

CarlHilda was worried that Carlisle might be losing his mind

But before she could continue, Gordon interrupted her by pounding on the table and said, That’s right! Where there is a will, there is a way! I believe in you!” 

Hilda ate her dinner in silence. With the SATS looming, she couldn’t bear to discourage her son

After Carlisle finished his meal, he returned to his room to study. He focused on Math and Language, the subjects he struggled with the most

By 10:00pm, he heard Hilda knocking on his door to remind him it was time to sleep. Carl, it’s time for 

bed now!” 

Alright, Mom,Carlisle answered while stretching lazily. He had a faint smile as the oncecomplicated subjects now seemed less daunting. He suddenly felt the joy of learning

s in 

After washing up, he climbed into bed to sleep. He looked at the old, peeling ceiling, feeling like he was 

a dream

The next morning, Hilda got up early to prepare breakfast, while Carlisle went for his morning run. Regular morning runs could improve physical fitness, boost immunity, and improve his mental state

In his previous life, he died of illness. So, he was determined to have a strong body in this life

Gordon, still halfasleep, came out of the bathroom. He yawned while asking, Is breakfast ready? I’ll go 

wake our son up for breakfast!” 

Hilda rolled her eyes and answered, He’s up earlier than me, already out for a run! Are pigs flying?” 

Gordon was suddenly wide awake. He was surprised. A morning run? Is this a joke?” 

Hilda felt a chill run down her spine. She asked, Gordon, do you think something happened to our son?” 

Carlisle was studying hard and getting up early to ruit was too out of character! It’s like he had become a different person

Gordon rubbed his stubble with a frown and continued, Is he in love?As soon as his words were out, Hilda thought of the girl from yesterday afternoon

Who’s in love?Carlisle asked as he walked to the door, sweating profusely

Gordon quickly went to turn on the fan. Hilda laughed awkwardly and continued, Nothing! You must have misheard us.” 

Carlisle didn’t pursue the question further. After cooling himself down, he finished breakfast and freshened up to get ready. He then put on his schoolwear and rode his bike to school

As he approached the school gate, Carlisle stopped at the first traffic light intersection since he usually met Sean there. About five minutes later, Sean rushed over with his mountain bike

Damn, I thought I was seeing things! Pigs must be flying. You’re here earlier than me?Sean was surprised


Usually, he was the one waiting for Carlisle. Today, it was the opposite

Carlisle noticed the heavy dark circles under Sean’s eyes and asked, Did you stay up all night?” 

Sean’s eyes darted around mysteriously as he continued, I found another underground internet cafe. It’s just two dollars for an allnighter!” 


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