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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

Gordon and Hildaignored Maria. But Maria went overboard and continued, You’re an entire family of idiots. We decided to have this celebration only after checking her scores

You don’t even know whether Carlisle got into college. Yet, you had the guts to hold a college entrance celebration? Are you trying to become a laughing stock?” 

At the same time, Gerard looked on in disdain. Did they want to compete with him? What did they have that they could use to compete with him

Other than the fact that Hilda was prettier than Maria, Gordon had nothing else. Carlisle was useless, just like his own father. Would he even be able to break the mold

Just then, Rainville Hotel’s manager walked over. In a polite voice, he prompted, Mr. Zahn, the party is about to begin. Please make your way upstairs!” 

d the ma 

Gerard adjusted his necktie, put his hands behind his back, and followed the manager upstairs

Around half an hour passed. The atmosphere in front of Sunago Restaurant became livelier

Gordon was giving their guests a warm welcome

Mr. Moore, I didn’t think that you would come!” 

Gordon was beaming as he handed a cigarette to an old man who looked over 50

He was Fletcher Moore, head of Helios Village, Gordon’s hometown

How did your son score on the test, Gordon?Fletcher casually asked as he accepted the cigarette from 


Carlisle has just left school. I haven’t asked what his score is. But he did say that he got into Riverland 


Gordon took out a lighter and lit Fletcher’s cigarette for him

You’re believing him just like that? That brat wouldn’t lie to you, would he?” 

Fletcher took a puff of his cigarette. His every word hinted at his distrust of Carlisle

Mr. Moore, I’m sure that you’re aware of the hard work that Carlisle has put in this past month. He did his 

revisions from dawn till dusk… 

Alright,Fletcher interrupted Gordon. Then, he took out 20 dollars from his pocket and handed it to him

You’ve invited me anyway. As head of the village, I will show you respect. Here’s some congratulatory money. I’m giving it to you regardless of whether Carlisle got into college or not!” 

The smile froze on Gordon’s face. Although he wasn’t very educated, he could read between the lines of what Fletcher had just said

Fletcher was under the impression that Gordon held this party just so he wouldn’t embarrass himself. Did 


he think that he wanted to cheat others of their money

Take your money back, Fletcher. We don’t want it!Hilda pushed Fletcher’s hand away

Despite your incapabilities, I see you’ve quite the temper, Hilda!Fletcher scoffed. Then, he stuffed the 20 dollars back into his pocket

Hilda responded in a cold voice. Who says that I can’t lose my temper? It’s true that we haven’t earned much money all these years. But that doesn’t mean we’d let just about anyone shame us!” 

Fletcher was about to argue back when a few bikes’stopped by the roadside suddenly. They were Carlisle

Sean, and a few of Carlisle’s classmates

Mom, Dad, what are you arguing about?” 

Carlisle had heard Hilda from a ways away. He had a pretty good guess once he spotted Fletcher

He parked his bike by the side of the road. Then, he handed the envelope to Gordon. Here is my score 

report, Dad!” 

Gordon was stunned to see the envelope that Carlisle was handing over to him. For some reason, it made 

him feel nervous

Then, more of Carlisle’s classmates arrived


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