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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 


You don’t have to worry about that. I have my ways to make sure that he listens to us!” 

After all, Carlisle had the experience of working as a company salesman. When he first started that job, his sales manager indoctrinated him with a moneymaking mindset every other day

He applied the same approach to Owen. He was sure that he could keep him in control. 

Carlisle’s phone sounded. It was the sound of his MSN messenger notifications

It was another message from Sweet_like_candy

Is your girlfriend pretty?” 

How old is she?” 

How long have you both been together?” 

Why aren’t you replying to me?” 

Carlisle watched as the messages came in consecutively. With a smile on his face, he typed his reply.” 

What do these have to do with you?” 

Sweet_like_candy: I’m just curious!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: Curiosity kills the cat. Also, we don’t know each other very well. Why do I have to reveal so much to you?” 

Sweet like candy: We’ll know each other better soon enough. I’ll chat with you again tomorrow. But you 

must make sure that you answer today’s questions by tomorrow!” 

After that reply, Sweet_like_candy’s profile photo was changed to a gray image

Carlisle chuckled. Then, he put his phone into his pants pocket

Sean couldn’t help but feel curious. He asked, Who was it? That wasn’t Sarah, was it?” 

Carlisle twitched the corner of his lip. How could it be her?” 

When he first reincarnated and gave up on Sarah, he still considered some of his classmatesfeelings. However, he was really disgusted after he attended Sarah’s college entrance celebration

Sarah’s parents, in particular, were this close to threatening him with murder for money

In this generation, congratulatory money was usually ten to 20 dollars. Carlisle had given them 100 dollars. Yet, they were not satisfied with that. The reason they gave was that he was using a cellphone 

worth 4000 dollars for himself./ 

How ridiculously funny was that

There’s a seafood restaurant up ahead. Let’s go and eat” 

Sean’s gaze was fixed on the seafood restaurant up ahead. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he 

Chapter 49 

spotted a woman standing at the bus stop. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt


The woman was carrying her backpack in front of her. Next to her was a pink luggage. She looked slightly 


Oh? Isn’t that Lily Green?Sean asked while staring straight at that woman

Carlisle looked over. It was indeed Wanda’s deskmate, Lily

All of a sudden, there was a loud rumble in Carlisle’s head

Following that, an image came to mind

A motorcycle stopped next to Lily. The pillion rider grabbed onto Lily’s backpack, and the rider stepped on the accelerator. Lily was dragged along for quite a distance…. 

Until she rolled under a cement mixer truck and got rolled over… 

WhatWhat was that

Carlisle started seeing stars. The pain in his head was so severe that it felt as if someone had knocked

rivet into his head

He put his hand on Sean’s shoulder to support himself. He looked up once again at Lily

She was looking left and right anxiously


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