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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 

Lily glanced at the cash. They were all brand new 100dollar bills. She wasn’t able to tell how much there was just by the thickness of the stack

Thank you very much, Carlisle!” 

Lily was brought to tears again

She had mocked him when he switched places with her. Even so, he was helping her without holding any grudges


We were schoolmates. You don’t have to be so for 

I will return it to you as soon as possible,Lily uttered, choking back on her tears

Lily pressed the money against her chest. If it weren’t for Carlisle and Sean, her life would have changed

Alright, hurry up and put the money away. You shouldn’t keep your money exposed like that. You were probably robbed because you revealed your money somewhere!” 

Carlisle picked up the cup from the table and took a sip

Lily shook her head. I’ve never revealed my money!” 

Carlisle continued his analysis. Then, there’s a second possibility. Those robbers knew that there would be freshmen with money on them during the new school term. So, they simply struck at random. It was just your bad luck that they targeted you” 

Lily pouted. They’re nasty. I hope the police will be able to catch them soon!” 

Carlisle only responded with a smile. There was nothing wrong with Lily’s perspective. However, the reality was usually very cruel

The security was bad during this period of time. The authorities were probably incapable of doing anything even if they wanted to. If capturing them was such an easy task, the robbers wouldn’t have threatened them with knives

The staff members served up their food. After all nine dishes were served, Carlisle was flabbergasted

You’re a nouveau riche indeed. This meal is on you!” Carlisle glared at Sean unhappily 

Sean responded nonchalantly. My treat it is!” 

Out of the 20 thousand dollars that Carlisle gave him, he only used some of it to buy his phone. Other than that purchase, he had never touched the money again

Sean opened a bottle of beer and poured a glass each for Carlisle and Lily

Cheers to our freedom” 


Chapter 52 


Carlisle lifted his glass with a smile on his face

Lily glanced at Carlisle and Sean, whom she was now indebted to. It didn’t feel right to refuse them, so she also lifted her glass and clinked glasses with them

Carlisle and Sean chugged it all in one gulp. As for Lily, she only took a sip

Right at that moment, the MSN messenger notification rang from Carlisle’s phone in his pocket again. He put his cutleries down and took his phone out

He thought that Sweet like candy had messaged him. As it turned out, it wasn’t her

Goldfish memory: “Carlisle, have you arrived at Riverland?” 

It was Christine Goodman

Carlisle typed, Just arrived not long ago. How about you?” 

Goldfish_memory: “Hehe, I’ve just arrived too. Where are you? Can I treat you to a meal?” 

Bygones_b_bygones: I’m near the University of Science and Technology” 

Goldfish memory: Oh, what a coincidence. I’m nearby, too!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: Come over to A1 Seafood Restaurant then. Sean and I are dining here!” 


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