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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Damn! Is that a Motorola Razr V3?” 

The roommates caught sight of Carlisle’s phone, and their eyes widened in surprise

That was a phone that was worth more than 4000 dollars

What family background,did Carlisle have for him to be able to afford a Motorola Razr V3

It’s only a V3! I have one, too!” 

Kelvin proceeded to take out his phone and waved it to everyone

Wow! I only have a PHS phone!

At least you can still afford a PHS phone! The only telecommunication device I have is a pager my dad bought for me!” 

Really? I suddenly feel a lot better!” 

Quit complaining! People like us who can’t afford phones will be envious!” 

The roommates, who were from different places, quickly bonded with one another

Kelvin said casually, Carlisle, I’ll give you 200 dollars-” 

Get lost! I don’t need your money!” 

Carlisle shot Kelvin a glare

Whether Kelvin was telling the truth or not, there was no way Carlisle would betray Wanda because of 


If it weren’t for her, despite being reincarnated, he might not have gotten into Riverland University

Kelvin gritted his teeth. Fine! I’ll remember this!” 

He was considered quite influential at Rainville High School. How could Carlisle have the nerve to tell him 

to get lost? Once Kelvin solidified his connections, he’d surely teach Carlisle a good lesson

Beep beep

It was a message from Sweet like candy

I told you, I’m not Wanda!” 

Carlisle typed back. I don’t believe you! I’ll only believe you if you give me a call!” 

Sweet_like_candy replied. I don’t even know your phone number!” 

1314This is my phone number. Call me!” 

Carlisle immediately sent his phone number to her

Chinter 61 


Sweet like candy replied, I’m not going to call you!” 

Carlisle pursed his lips. Then, remove me from your friend list. We have nothing to talk about anyway!” 

Fine! I’ll call you!Sweet_like_candy finally gave in

After a brief moment, his phone rang

He immediately picked up the call. He heard the deep voice of a woman from the other end of the phone. Hello, Bygones_b_bygoges!” 

It really wasn’t Wanda

Carlisle didn’t respond and immediately hung up the call. He then swiftly removed her from his friend list

In the girlsdorm room, Queenie passed the phone back to Wanda. She said with a faint smile, Is he your boyfriend?” 

Wanda’s cheeks flushed red as she replied shyly. No, he’s not!” 

Don’t lie! Your cheeks are all red!Queenie playfully teased

The image of Carlisle and Christine hugging under the rain suddenly resurfaced in Wanda’s mind. Her smile instantly faded, and her eyes dimmed

What is it? Does he not like you?” 

Probably not.” 


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