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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 

After getting Sean settled in, Carlisle immediately headed back to class

Susan had yet to arrive, so the classroom was in complete chaos

When Carlisle walked in, the classroom instantly fell silent. However, this silence only lasted a few 

seconds, and the noise quickly resumed

Carlisle returned to his seat. He slipped his hands into his pocket and took out the milk candy he bought from the school kiosk earlier. He offered it to Wanda. For un 

At that exact moment, Wanda also offered him a piece of gum. Want some?” 

Both of them paused and then simultaneously burst into laughter

I’ll have yours, and you can have mine!” 

Carlisle placed the milk candy into Wanda’s drawer and took the gum from her hands. He peeled the wrapper open before popping it into his mouth


Wanda’s phone vibrated inside her drawer

She took it out and saw that it was Lily who had called. Since the entrance exam, they had rarely been in 


Wanda popped the milk candy into her mouth as she accepted the call. She asked with a smile. Lily, why 

the sudden call?” 

Wanda, have you seen the messenger group?Lily asked in a slightly frantic voice

No, I havent. What’s wrong?Wanda frowned, uneasiness welling up inside her

Just, Just take a look at it yourself!Lily didn’t know how to break the news to her

Wanda tapped Carlisle’s arm. Carlisle, check the class group chat.” 

Carlisle took out his phone and clicked on the group chat. He was surprised to find everyone fervently discussing Wanda

I never expected Wanda to be this kind of person!

She’s not even 18 and still considered a minor, How shameless

No wonder she has a driver who sends and picks her up from school. It’s because she found herself a sugar daddy!” 

Carlisle scrolled through the messages and came across a post made by a classmate named Keith Spears

I’ve got shocking news for everyone! Our class monitor, Wanda, has a sugar daddy!” 

Chapter 66 

As soon as his message was posted, it instantly caused an uproar within the group chat

Some classmates were skeptical about his post. I thought you went to the South to work? Where did you get this news from?” 

Keith’s academic results were poor, so he never made it into University. He previously mentioned at a classmate’s celebration party that he was going to the South to get a job. As such, few of their classmates found his statement hard to believe

It’s true! I have a photo as proof!” 

Keith posted a picture of Wanda checking into a hotel in the group chat. The picture was extracted from the hotel’s security cameras, which Keith had spent one thousand dollars to obtain

The photo was blurry, yet it was still clear enough to tell that the lady in it was Wanda

Hence, most people in the group chat began vigorously discussing Wanda


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