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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Heath picked up the glass and grinned. I hope we can make a fortune in the future!” 

Everyone started eating when they finished drinking their beer

Benjamin seemed to have never eaten meat in his life. He grabbed a shrimp with his bare hands and devoured it

What are your dreams?Carlisle asked them while eating

He had no intention of changing Prince Heath’s fate. Prince Heath would still appear, but his fate would differ from his previous life

Under Carlisle’s training. Prince Heath would become a true hero

My dream is to open a big internet cafe!Owen spoke excitedly

Heath took a sip of beer and said, I want to open a disco!” 

Benjamin’s mouth was full of meat. He smiled innocently. I want to open a hotel. Then I won’t have to sleep in an internet cafe!” 

Heath took another sip of his beer. He felt uncomfortable when he heard his brother’s dream

They were orphans. Even though they weren’t bloodrelated, they treated each other better than real 


As the eldest, he should be responsible for taking care of Benjamin. However, he was unable to send his younger brother to school, and even basic living expenditures were problematic. He felt incompetent

You guys are ambitious to be the bosses!Sean gave the three of them a thumbs up

Benjamin laughed. Everyone has dreams. What if it comes true?” 

Sean smiled meaningfully and said nothing to diminish their confidence

Carlisle declared, If you guys follow me, I’ll make your dreams come true!” 

Everyone looked at Carlisle, who took a sip from his teacup

The calmness he displayed was completely inconsistent with his age

Heath even had the illusion that this university student, who appeared much younger than him, was an experienced elderly

Carlisle’s words held a power that Heath couldn’t help but want to belleve in him… 

After having a meal, Carlisle took them to find a house

Heath was familiar with Riverland. He introduced several houses with highcost performance

Carlisle compared several houses and finally chose a fourbedroom, twoliving room suite with a monthly rent of five hundred dollars

Chapter 74 


You need to pay a threemonth deposit. I’ll charge you three thousand dollars!” 

Jean Windoff, the landlord, had long hair and was in her 30s. She wore a slimfitting dress and had a sexy figure. She had a flowery scent and revealed a natural charm

Looking at the handsome Carlisle, she gulped and smiled charmingly. Actually, we can still discuss the 


Carlisle appeared to have seen through her thoughts and smiled. I’m satisfied with the price. I can’t bear to let a beauty suffer a loss!” 

Jean was slightly stunned. Carlisle was handsome and appeared to be in his 20s. How could he speak so 



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