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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 


Sarah had texted, Carlisle, there is an ice rink opening on Saturday. It’s free to enter. Let’s go together!” 

Carlisle replied, I’m busy!” 

Then, he clicked on Sienna’s chat box. She sent the same message as Sarah

He was a little stunned

Sarah didn’t mention that Sienna was going as well. He wasn’t sure what they were trying to achieve

He was too lazy to think about it, so he replied to her the same way before clicking on Sean’s chat box

Carl, won’t you be afraid that Owen and his friends will steal your computers? Those cost tens of thousands!” 

I won’t hire people with bad intentions. It’s not a waste to spend tens of thousands to reveal their true colors!” 

Sean just took a shower. He pouted when he saw Carlisle’s reply. He typed, But we don’t have much capital. If we lose this money, it’ll be difficult to make a comeback!” 

Believe me. I’ve always had a good eye!” 

More precisely, he believed in Heath

As a tycoon who could rule Riverland’s underworld forces in the future, Heath’s vision wouldn’t be limited 

to computer equipment worth tens of thousands

Suddenly, there was a violent knock on the door

Spotcheck! Open the door!” 

Kelvin, whose bed was next to the door, quickly opened the dormitory door. Four burly seniors entered grandly

Are you all here?” 

The leader had short hair and a scar on his face. He dressed like a gangster with board shorts and a black tank top

When the scarfaced senior entered the room, the freshmen trembled in fear

We’re all here” 

Kelvin took a few bottles of Coke from the bucket next to the bed. Seniors, please have a drink!” 

The scarfaced senior accepted the Coke and smiled. You’re quite sensible. What is your name?” 

I’m Kelvin!Kelvin replied quickly

The scarfaced senior nodded and took out a list

Chapter 70

A person behind him pointed at the students on the upper bunk and shouted, Get down and line up!” 

The students on the upper bunk hastily sprang from their beds

Carlisle frowned slightly. To avoid conflicts, he lined up with his roommates

Now I’ll read out the names. Respond to me when you hear your name!” 

The scarfaced senior glanced sharply at everyone before starting

Daniel Scott!” 

I’m here!” 

Hmph, Daniel? You should call yourself Dandy!the scarfaced senior mocked

Everyone in the dormitory burst out laughing

The man behind the scarfaced senior shouted, What are you guys laughing at? Is that funny?” 

Everyone became silent, not daring to make a sound


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