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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 

Carlisle and his friends were enjoying their drinks

Sean had joined the fun halfway through, and he brought some ribs

The six of them quickly bonded, with Sean and Hank engaging in a drinking game

Hank was a veteran ät drinking games, so Sean was no match for him. He quickly got drunk after a few rounds

Heath lit a cigarette and sternly warned Hank. That’s enough. Don’t get him so drunk that he gets sick!” 

At his age, I could drink more than two pints of white wine!” 

Benjamin chuckled and said, Hank, I’ll drink with you!” 

His eyes were clear and showed no sign of drunkenness

I’ll be right back. I just have to go to the bathroom,Hank said, loosening his belt before walking away with steady step 

Just as Hank reached the bathroom door, Owen collapsed to the floor. His face and body were as red as roast pork

Heath helped Owen to the couch. This guy can’t drink but insists on drinking!” 

You guys can really hold your liquor. Any secrets?” 

Carlisle sipped his tea cautiously. He envisioned future business deals where it would be an advantage to have such capable drinkers at his side

No secret, just drink a bunch!Benjamin replied with an honest smile, then added, We’re out of drinks. I’ll go buy some more.” 

Carlisle watched Benjamin leave, feeling a myriad of emotions. Who would have thought that the seemingly honest and gentle Benjamin would become a bully in Riverland? However, now that they were with him, things were going to change

Benjamin returned with two cases of beer and three bottles of Chardonnay

Hank and Benjamin resumed their competition while Carlisle and Heath played games on the computer

After about two hours, Hank and Benjamin had finished off both crates of beer and all three bottles of Chardonnay

Benjamin slurred, Wait herell get more drinks!” 

Go ahead. I’m not afraid of you!Hank replied contemptuously

Enough, both of you, stop drinking!Heath glared at them. Hank, it’s time to do some real work!” 

Alright, no more drinking!Benjamin, who feared no one but his older brother, hung his head when he 

Chapter 87 

saw Heath getting angry

Hank sat down with half a bottle of Chardonnay. After booting it up, he pulled out a USB drive and plugged it in

He installed over twenty software packages that were stored on it, including programming tools, several cheats, and multiboxing software

Carlisle and Heath moved their chairs closer to Hank and watched intently as he showed the cheats on the computer screen

SpeedGear 3.0, Timely Rain 3.0, Twin Tigers AntiBan, and Crimson Moon Ultimate were among the cheating software that he has

Wow, you have quite a collection of cheats!” 

Carlisle was amazed. These versions were far superior to those sold on the forums


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