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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 9


Wanda stepped out of the classroom, followed by Sarah. Sienna immediately put down the snacks in her hand and followed suit as she saw Sarah heading downstairs

Sarah, are you going to look for Carlisle?” 

Yeah, it’s been a while since I played badminton. I want him to accompany me for a game.After days of intense studying, Sarah wanted to relax a bit

Sienna glanced at Wanda ahead and whispered, It seems like Wanda is looking for Carlisle too?” Wanda and Carlisle had been getting very close for the past few days, which naturally raised suspicions

Wanda excels in all subjects, and Carlisle probably just wants her help for tutoring. Looks like he’s determined to get into Riverland University.” 

Sarah felt somewhat conflicted. For the past three days, she had felt like a complete stranger to Carlisle

She hated this feeling 

Hmph, I’ll eat my hat if he can get into Riverland University,Sienna scoffed disdainfully. Carlisle’s academic performance was obvious to everyone, since he often ranked bottom in exams

Getting into a Tier 3 university was already pushing it. But now, he was aiming for a Tier 1 university

Carlisle was playing basketball at the sports field with a few male classmates. The weather in June was scorching hot, and Carlisle and Sean’s basketball jerseys were already soaked through

Carlisle, catch!Sean spun around and passed the ball to Carlisle beyond the threepoint line. With the ball in hand, Carlisle immediately jumped and shot

Swish! The threepointer was a success

Nice,Sean shouted and raised his fist while jumping

Hey, Carlisle, have you been practicing secretly?” 

Unbelievable, how did that even go in?” 

A few opponents were devastated

Luck, it was just pure luck. Keep it down,Carlisle wiped his sweat with a smile

Huh, here comes SarahSean squinted at Sarah, who was holding a cold Coke. Several male classmates also turned their gaze toward her

Is the Coke for Carlisle?” 

Could it be for you instead

Carlisle is so lucky!” 

The others watched enviously, yet even Carlisle was surprised. There wasn’t a scene in his previous life where Sarah bought him a Coke when he played basketball

It was almost as if his rebirth had shifted the trajectory and changed Sarah as well

Soon. Sarah and Sienna arrived at the sports field. Sarah handed the chilled Coke to Carlisle and said, It’s hot out here. I bought you a cold Coke. It’s refreshing

Carlisle looked at Sarah in a daze. If not for his reincarnation, he should probably have been overwhelmed with excitement now, right

As he remembered that Sarah hadn’t visited him even during his last moments, he took a deep breath and silently lowered his head

Hehe, are you touched? It’s the first time Sarah has offered a drink to a guy!said Sienna with her chin up. She seemed to imply that being offered a drink by Sarah was an honor


Just then, Wanda approached with a box of bottled water. Her slender figure struggled with the heavy box, and her forehead was slick with sweat

Sean quickly stepped forward to carry the box and asked, “Wanda, did you get this for us?” 

Wanda stole a glance at Carlisle and then nodded

Wanda is so considerate. Come on, let’s all have some water!Sean grinned and began distributing the 


Thank you, Wanda.” 

You’re so kind!” 


The classmates thanked her while they took the water. Sarah’s face turned sulky as if she had eaten a fly

She felt like her spotlight had been stolen. Was Wanda deliberately opposing her

Sienna saw Wanda’s gloomy face and said sarcastically, Wanda, with your family’s wealth, you’re buying bottled water only?” 

Wanda blushed slightly and muttered, My mom says that drinking too much carbonated drinks is bad for 

your teeth.” 

But isn’t it only bad for you if you drink too much? A little wouldn’t hurt, right?Sienna continued to argue 

with her

Wanda looked at Carlisle and said, II’ll exchange it for Coke then?” 

What for? Mineral water is fine!Carlisle took a bottle of mineral water from the box and drank half of it 

in one gulp

The icecold mineral water was incredibly refreshing. After a few sips, he felt cool to the core

Ah, it feels good.Carlisle looked at Wanda with a satisfied smile, Thanks, Wanda.” 

You’re welcome.Wanda lowered her head, with her fair and delicate neck flushing red

Wanda was so shy. Carlisle withdrew his gaze and chuckled secretly

Carlisle.Sarah glared at Carlisle

Why?Carlisle looked surprised

Why aren’t you drinking the Coke that I bought for you?Sarah’s voice trembled. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she appeared pitiful

Carlisle coughed and said indifferently, What’s the difference? Besides, I’m not a fan of carbonated drinks!” 

HmphIf you don’t want it, forget it then!Sarah huffed, then handed the Coke to Sean. Sean, you have 


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