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Be My Mate novel Chapter 21

Sabrina's POV

"Father, Luka is Aiden's brother, which makes him my family. As much as you still carry around the hurt and betrayal from their father, please remember that his children played no part in it. Besides, it's up to the king if Luka should stay or not." I say trying to squash the coming fury from Hunter.

Hunter growls, looking at me and then at Luka, who looks around the room to avoid eye contact.

"I will allow it, only because my sister is mated to your brother. Just don't make this a habit, you may be of higher ranking than me but this is my land. Your kind does not exist in this realm, we do not even pray to you so remember that the next time you think of crashing a Trent celebration." Cj says to Luka while holding a glass of whiskey in his hand.


"Oh! All hail the king! The king has spoken!" Josey jokes out loud and we all chuckle at that, including our very own king.

"I am truly sorry about my brother's uninvited appearance. I had no idea he would come here." Aiden apologizes to my family.

"Well, at least you are well mannered. They got that right with you and it's a good thing you are the one mated to my daughter." Hunter says, throwing daggers Luka's way.

The rest of the celebration went well, no further interruptions or any uninvited guests arriving. Josey was hammered and dragged Anthony in on her drinking. Cj was also having a good time with his mate.

Luka did well to avoid Hunter, staying close to Aiden.

Maximus had asked to leave early, something about getting back to his pack for something important.


Well he slipped out. Didn't even say anything to anyone, just up and left, leaving his mate here, drunk.

Arianna had her taken to a guest bedroom for the night, where she also bid us farewell as she was spent. Eventually everyone left leaving me with Aiden, Anthony, Luka and Josey.

Aiden and I finally decided to join in with the drunk ones, dragging Luka with us. From shooters to bottles of champagne, midnight snacks to going out in the wild to hunt for something real.

We were all drunk, full and happy. It was amazing to see Josey so happy and dancing, mind blank from everything she has been going through as she tries to do some funny dance Luka had all of do.

"I like her better than you.." Luka comes to sit with me in the forest.

"Well, I like her too so I can't be mad at that." I tell him. Luka had this dark aura around him that I didn't trust, it made me uneasy and I had no idea I would soon find out why.

"So what are you going to do about her vampire?" He asks me and I look at him confused.

"She is a demi, which means she's allowed in our realm but being a vampire will make it challenging for her to be accepted." Luka says to me and I chuckle.

"Well then we can stick together. Your realm won't accept an earthling moon goddess so what's new?" I ask, feeling the world spin as Athena groans at my poor decision to drink so much.

"Well we don't have a choice with you but with her, we have every right to decide if we want her kind with us. I mean what sort of kids will she make?" He asks me and I growl at him.

"Strong ass kids." I say, imagining Josey's kids playing with mine. It warms my heart at that and I smile inwardly.

"Yeah until they have a thirst for our blood and drain us all." He responds casually, which annoys me.

"Don't be silly. They won't be full vampires. Her wolf is still present and her mate will be a wolf, making that gene even stronger. If Josey can control her urges then her kids will be even better as they won't be raised on blood alone." I say, making Luka think for a while.

"So who's blood will they live on?" He asks and I point at myself, at Anthony.

"I can donate. Anthony will do the same. My family will do whatever it takes to make their lives easier, included in that will be training on how to control the animal inside just as we were trained to control our wolves. We are just as animalistic as them Luka, but you are singling her out." I say getting annoyed and folding my arms for that added effect.

"She is already singled out. Granted she will meet her mate in our realm just like your mother did but I'm talking about the general public. They will want her kids dead." He says to me.

"Then they will have to go through me and I dont know if you know this but I'm a pretty strong bitch." I say chuckling at my words.


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