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Be My Mate novel Chapter 26

Sabrina's POV

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Moon Goddess." Evan announces as I walk in. Draped in a silky red that hugged my body, I walked past everyone once again but only this time, they made way for me.

Each person I walk past would bow in respect. Not sure if it's because of my family or position. It could be that they don't want to be hanging up almost to the ceiling like our dear friends.

"Let the celebrations begin." I say once I make it to my family, turning to face the crowd. The crowd goes back to their loud chatter and laughs, quickly forgetting the hanging men.

"Sabrina, please. Let them down, I think we all get the idea." My mother tells me, not being one to forget as blood drops on the floor but I shake my head no.

"They will stay up for the remainder of the night. Every time someone gets an idea to attack this family, this image will be burnt in their heads as a reminder of what happens if they carry it out." I say looking at my mother.

I look up at everyone, having changed clothes and looking fresh. Aiden was slouched and looking grim, with a fresh suit. I can understand how he is feeling. That is his family and he loved them, he loved them and it is never easy to lose a loved one but actions have consequences, which brings me right back.

"We need to stop being nice. We tried it and look where it got us? We are wolves for goddess sake, the ruling family! Which monarch have you ever heard of that has been disrespected and attacked the way we have? Going soft is definitely not the way." I say before looking back at my mother.

Hunter nods his head before taking a sip of his amber colored drink.

"Sabrina is right." Hunter says. Every one waiting for him to continue with an old story about his struggles but that's all we get from him.

"Sabrina, it is time." Evan mindlinks me. Saving me from another complaint from my mother, I let them know it was time.

I turn to face the crowd as my family walks off the podium to give me space. Three elders join me.

One holding a staff that I was introduced to earlier when I first came to the heavenly realm.

The second one holding a shiny rock.

The third one holding a book that looked old but well kept.

One elder walks up to me, holding the staff.

"The blood that is in you goes right back to the beginning. The blood inside you connects with this realm because it is your blood that first created it. Everyone in this room would not be here if it was not for the pure blood that runs in your veins. It is your ancestors that created the wolf man. It is your ancestors that had the shifting gene and shared it with all of us, with only just a drop. With only just a drop, a wolf can shift to man. It is your blood that rules over all of us. The power inside you, inside your father and brother, controls everyone of us in this room. Your wolf knows it but today, we introduce you to the power inside of you." The first elder tells me.

He hands me the staff and I take it from him. The second my hand touches it, I feel my power get amplified. Every thought in this room, I could hear it. Every heart beat, I could hear it.

As they all breath, in and out, I could hear it. I sense each of their strengths and each of their hearts desires. Their thoughts were the loudest of all. Some wished I would just die after the big grand show today and some were just happy to be here, they did not care what happened before this time. The drama today, made for some good gossip.

"Sabrina, do you accept this gift and swear to never abuse it. Swear to use it to be the best you can be and the best for all your people?" The elder asks me.

"I swear it." I say and he nods his head before stepping back to allow the next elder that walks up to me.

"It is your blood that gives each of us a piece of your strength. We are all tied to you by blood as it is your ancestor that created the werewolf race. You are the first family because you were the only. Your blood alone allows us to be human and to be animal. It is the blood that's runs in your veins that allows us to survive shift after shift and to thrive. Your blood has gifted us pure living as animal and man. You are the first because you were the only. Your blood unites us all as we find a way around life. Your blood sustains us, your blood drives our thirst. It is then your blood, we pay respects to. It is the first family we follow and not by choice but by blood." The second elder says to me before handing me the rock.

It was white but very shiny as if it had bits and pieces of diamonds or something shimmery.

Upon holding this rock, I feel my power relax. Everything felt calm and I could think without the noise of thoughts or heartbeats.

I felt at ease and I knew this would be my favorite.

"Sabrina, do you accept this gift and swear to never abuse it. Swear to use it so you can be at your best for your people when needed and to always put it to use only when necessary?" He asks me.


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