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Be My Mate novel Chapter 29

Sabrina's POV

"You called out to me." Aiden tells me.

We were still in the cell where his mother was held. Where many were held and many were slain.

"I know. You're all I want now." I say, making him blush.

"I know you can control it, somehow or maybe you can't but that felt good. Even after today's events, you still want me." Aiden says to me, pulling away from me to walk around the cell, his head down in shame.

"I want to mark you." I blurt out.

Aiden remains silent.. but looks at me.

"I want to know you are all mine. I want you to feel what I feel and to be completely connected to me. I don't feel whole because I don't own you. You own me, even in the presence of my ex, my body screamed out for you. You have me, my entirety.. my heart beats for you even in it's immortal state, I live for you. Yes, I made choices that hurt you today but they were not to hurt you and I'm still yours, so be my mate. I want to have all of you, just for me and to know that no matter what happens throughout our lives, you are mine to have in every way." I confess..

"Sabrina..." Aiden says my name, cupping my face and pulling me in for a kiss. A brief kiss...

"I can't wait for a life with you. I waited so long to have you and you have no idea how long I waited to hear you say this. You may not believe me but you have all of me, in every way. I became yours to have the minute our eyes met." Aiden says to me, kissing my lips again.

He pulls away from me.

"Come. You will not be taking my virginity in a dingy cell." Aiden jokes as he gently grabs my hand to lead me out of here. We stop walking as someone walks in.

"I followed your scent and it lead me here." Jane says upon entering the dingy cell.

Her eyes were red from crying.

"They're all gone Aiden. There's no one at the house." She whispers. Her body seeming frail, ready to fall at any moment from the sadness inside, wrecking her.

"I know." Aiden says to Jane, his face void of emotion.

Jane's mouth hangs open. She struggles to find words to say as she stares at Aiden, who still had my hand in his.

"She did this. How can you still be with her? After what she did to our family!" Jane shouts, making me chuckle.

"My family Jane. Mine. Last I checked I did not have a sister but a friend in you." He says. I squeeze his hand to calm him. Jane is not the one that deserves his anger.

"You know what I mean!" Jane says.

"Did you know about their plans Jane?" Aiden asks, letting go of my hand to step closer to the girl in front of us.

"I didn't want to be part of it and that's why I was a no show at the event. I left, I went back home because I couldn't do it. I know I love you and I would do anything for you but I just, I don't know something felt wrong about that." She explains.

"You knew and you said nothing." Aiden says and Jane shakes her head no over and over.

"I couldn't tell you. That would be betraying your family. Please understand how difficult this was all for me." Jane says, walking closer to Aiden and grabbing his hands to plead with him.

"Jane, you betrayed me!" Aiden shouts before pulling his hands back in a dramatic fashion.

"I can't believe you and let's be honest with each other here, You did not say anything because you knew their fate. You saved yourself by staying behind and had they succeeded in their plans, you'd be with them celebrating but you did the math. The greed clouded their heads but not you. You don't care about power, no. You only care about survival and you don't mind being someone's lackey just to survive." Aiden says in anger.

Jane storms her way over to Aiden and as she was about to slap him, I stop her. Holding her hand back, I shake my head no before pushing her back.


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