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Be My Mate novel Chapter 31

Sabrina's POV

"What's wrong with Xander?" I ask looking between my family. Aiden comes to stand behind me.

"It appears he was poisoned." Anthony says as he briskly walks in holding on to a brown glass bottle.

I snatch the bottle from him and the smell hits my nostrils before I can sniff it.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Anthony came back feeling a little faint after sending Xander back. I attended to him but he was able to heal and and...." My mother tries to explain.

Anthony takes both my hands.

"Brina, I felt like death and I found this in the room where Xander was kept. I hung out with him, I drank with him before I took him back. This brown bottle was right behind the decanter, on top of the alcohol tray and the empty decanter smells of the same substance. Which is weird because we didn't smell anything like this at the time." Anthony explains.

I hold his hands tighter, trying to get a look at how bad he was in his head and my heart stops.

Xander was in trouble.

I pull away and run out of my office to go to earth and save Xander but Aiden calls out to me.

"Do you really think you'll make it in time?" He asks me. I turn around to face him.

"Aiden, I can't let a good man die. I know you don't like him but I have to try to save him.. I at least owe him that." I say and I make my way to earth, not giving Aiden another chance to say anything against Xander.

I make it in to Xander's room, where his parents sit by his bed.

"How is he?" I ask.

They don't look at me and I try to listen in to his heartbeat, which was faint.

"We don't know what's wrong. I can feel him slipping away." I hear Jill, Xander's mother say.

I walk closer to the bed Xander is sleeping in and I sit on the opposite side of his parents. Grabbing his hand, I try to look in to his mind.

In his head, Xander is replaying every memory he has of us together. It is somehow giving him comfort with this pain he is in.

"I'm going to try to heal him. I'll need the room to do that." I say and Elliot, Xander's father nods his head and rushes to his feet.

They both steal one last look at their son before walking out and closing the door behind them.

I lay next to Xander, my hand on his chest, right on top of his heart.

Creating an alternate universe in his head, I pull Xander in to it and we lay eyes on each other.

He looks healthy here, as the Xander I know all too well.

"Hi..." I say.

"Where am I?" He asks.

"Did I die?" He asks again.

"Do you want to die?" I ask him, walking closer to him.

I had us in an open field that goes on for miles. The sun was high up in the sky, clear skies and birds were singing away. My mother had pulled me in to one of these, just being outside allowed for room to breath.

"If I get to see you every day then I don't mind it." He says, gently grabbing my hand in his.

"You won't if you die. I can't keep pulling you in limbo just to talk to you or be with you. It goes against everything my ancestors put in place. I need you to get better." I say.

"How? I was in so much pain that I could not move. How do I force my body to get better?" Xander asks me.

"I am here to help you do that." I say.

"What's the point Sabrina? Living or dead, I still don't get you. I have a mate that I can't love because I refuse to let you go. I mean I care for her, my wolf likes her but we both love you. I don't know why I can't get over you but I also don't care to." Xander confesses.

His words hurt.

They tore in to my heart and shredded every bit of it.

Xander had no will to live. He told me this, right when I was forced to let him go but still, his words made my heart ache.... today still.

"I know things aren't great right now but I need you to stay alive. To fight and if not for me, for your future. You can't leave this pack without a future alpha." I plead.

"Will you then give me one? Because I refuse to sleep with anyone else." Xander tells me.

I'm caught off guard by his words and I freeze. What could I possibly say to that?

I stay silent, looking in to his eyes as I heal him. Minutes pass as I rude his body of the toxins he ingested, his body frail from such a harmful substance that it worried me.

He would need time in bed to heal, a long time and if any of the alphas knew that then he would be in trouble but for now, it was important that he stays alive.

Chapter 31- One Mate At A Time 1


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