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Be My Mate novel Chapter 9

Josey's POV

'Jooooseeeyyyyyy....' the voice said.

"Just stop it! There is no way I'm helping you." I say back and the voice chuckles loudly, too loud for my sensitive werewolf/vampire ears.

The sun was up and I had not slept a wink, the voice blabbering away in my head. Making it impossible to catch a break.

I find myself having to cover my ears, as I toss and turn in bed. Sleep was a thing of the past and I looked like a zombie more and more each day.

Dark circles under my eyes were there as proof, to show the world that Josey was not okay. I tried to fight it but the voice kept getting louder and louder, what's funny is that I'm the only one that can hear it. Day in and day out, the voice would go on and on, tormenting me.

At first, I thought I was losing it. I'm still debating that with myself, it's either that or I have developed a super hearing power that not one member of my family has. No, I'm definitely going nuts.

This all started after my two mates decided to ignore me and make me feel worthless. At first, I was happy they were back but now, I'm not sure if it would've made a difference if they stayed dead. I'm going crazy anyway.

The voice would tell me that it would never treat me that way. It would never put me through any of that, I chose to ignore it but every damn time my mates ignored me, or chose to argue with me, that voice would come back. Telling me to throw the losers away, who needs 'em?

'Come on Josey... It can only be you.' The voice says again.

At first, the voice would only talk to me back at the pack house, wherever my mates and I would be. That's when I started hiding out at Red Creek, with Sabrina. I told my sister the half truth, that I was avoiding the twins and I was but the voice too.

Had I told her truth then, she would've gone insane. I mean I see the way she looks at me, she cradles me more than my own mother but I guess mother never really raised me.

Sabrina feels guilty for allowing me to go on that mission, for becoming a vampire.

'That's only because you are powerful...' The voice says and I chuckle.

That's what I thought at first, only to find that she remains the strongest and even in her strength, I see it in her eyes. She is carrying so much, helping everyone but herself.

The weight of the world on her shoulders, her love life hanging by a threat, ha! You get me...

"Josey, are you awake my little droplet?" Mother asks through the door.

Little droplet.

She hasn't called me that in years!

'Joooooosssseeeeeyyyyy.... help me!' The voice screams out, hurting my ears.

"Yes, mother. I'm awake." I say. Haven't slept I think in my head.

Mother strides in, wearing a night robe with her hair curled.

"Did you wake up like that?" I ask baffled and she laughs at me, shaking her head.

"No silly! Today they crown your brother as the new werewolf king. Come on, out of bed! Oooh those bags aren't going away huh? I have just the cream. Meet me in Sabrina's room." She says before running out of my room.

My sister and brother, both rulers of the werewolves and then there's me....

I was queen of the vampires for all of 5minutes! I just dumped my mates and Arianna has removed the marks on my neck, so I was mateless and with zero achievements or accolades.

Wow, the perfect poster child for what not to be when you grow up. The humans would call me the young divorcee who can't seem to find her calling.

I failed with the mission and Anthony stepped in, killing every vampire where I should've but I was too busy playing couples with Cayden.

Anthony! Even Anthony stood to become the heir to the first family throne. He was going to be the head of the family after Hunter. The first family also making him some sort of ruler or king of the werewolves in the heavenly realm.



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