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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 135

11:59 Fri, 1 Mar ti

8 77


Chapter 135 

Right now, luna Jasmine was playing with Lilac’s emotion

Do you even know where is he right now?Luna Jasmine caressed Lilac’s cheek, like she used to do in the past, whenever she tried to soothe her after being so harsh in her lesson. Don’t you wonder where he is right now?” 

Lilac stared into her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. She was here because she couldn’t find Hunter and luna Jasmine must have known about that, since Aria was once again betrayed her and chose to help with luna Jasmine. She was a fool to think Aria was regretful for what she had done to her

Lilac. The lycan pack is not your place. Here is your place with your mate. The lycan doesn’t have mate, they don’t have the blessing from the moon goddess to have this bond. Don’t ruin yourself by temporary anger, until you can’t see what’s best for you. Come back here, my dear.Luna Jasmine pulled her into a hug

This was the hug that Lilac always longed, because she missed to have a mother in her life and luna Jasmine knew about that. She played with her

I am here, Lilac. I am sorry for what you have gone through, but I think this is time to let go. We are even now. Aiden has been very miserable without you, even though he didn’t want to admit it.Luna Jasmine caressed her head and her back soothingly. Comeback home, okay? This is your home, this is your family.” 

There was no response from Lilac and luna Jasmine thought she had her wrapped around her fingers, but then she heard a loud commotion in the past and the people in the party were screaming in panic

What is that?!luna Jasmine immediately let go of Lilac and looked around, as if she could find the answer by doing so

However, that was the time Lilac gave a response to what luna Jasmine said earlier. There was this beautiful smile that curled on the corner of her l*ps

What did you say?Lilac asked, her voice was very cold, so did the way she gazed at the luna. This is my home? No. This is not my home. My home is wherever Hunter is.” 

Luna Jasmine was not happy to hear that. You make a fool of yourself if you thought he would never abandon you.” 

However, Lilac didn’t falter, she actually smirked at the luna and spoke in low and vicious voice. You asked before about whereabouts of Hunter, but I can assure you that I know exactly where he is.” 

Luna Jasmine frowned. She didn’t understand what Lilac was saying and why she 

11:59 Fri, 1 Mar ti 

Chapter 135 




looked very different. More so, why there was this loud commotion from the main hall

This loud commotion was not only heard by luna Jasmine and Lilac, but Aiden heard that too. He was currently in the garden, as per his mother’s instruction when he heard this

Aiden, what are you doing here?!Al approached Aiden, he had been looking for him. The alphathe alpha from the lycan pack!he trembled in panic

Al was Aiden’s gamma and he was supposed to be in charge in the main gates, to make sure the security of the pack because there were so many alphas from different pack here, but what he was doing in the pack house instead of his post

Around three hundred lycan warriors marched here!Al looked flustered. They brought three dead bodies and demanded to see you! And in the main hall! It’s a chaos!” 

What happened in the main hall?Aiden immediately stood up. He couldn’t stay here. and wait for Lilac anymore

What was going on

The lycanI meant, the alpha lycanAl looked flustered and this made Aiden became very impatient

Talk clearly! What is going on?!Aiden roared

The alpha lycan found that womanthe woman that sought for refugee to our pack!Al followed Aiden, both of them rushed toward the main hall, where the commotion became more and more loud. The alpha lycan dragged the woman by her hair and asked for the audience.” 

What?!Aiden was furious. Grace should know better not to meet with Hunter because it would implicate him, since all of them knew this woman was being hunted down by Hunter because of what her father had done in their pack. What a stupid woman!Aiden growled furiously

What happened in the main gates?!Aiden asked for more detail as they ran. His heart beat against his ears, he knew how bad the situation could be. Gather all the warriors and be ready for a battle!” 

We can’t do that! They will think we are taking their alpha as custody if we took aggressive stance!” 

If they were not asking for a battle, why three hundred lycan warriors marched to our gates?!” 


Chapter 135 


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