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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Lilac felt like her head was going to explode because the pain was almost unbearable and she wanted to vomit. She let out a low groan and tried to curl her b*dy into a fetal position, so she could hold back the urge to throw up

She was not sure where she was, but this room was so bright and it hurt her eyes

Lilac tried to cover her eyes, but she was not able to lift her hand, she felt so weak and nauseated. She couldn’t remember what happened, until she felt this way, but this was the most unpleasant feeling that she ever felt

You are awake” 

There was deep and calming voice that echoed inside the room, but since Lilac couldn’t open her eyes, she was not sure, who was talking to her

What is it? You have a hungover?” 

Hunter came to approach Lilac, who was struggling, her face contorted and she looked a little bit pale

So.. rig 

What? What did you say?Hunter came closer.and put his ear right on her l*ps, so he could hear her better. What did you say?” 

So.. bright..Lilac said with so much difficulty, she didn’t know that talking a simple word could send wave after wave of nauseating. She wanted to throw up really bad

Oh. I will close the curtain.” Hunter stood up and walked toward the floor to the ceiling window, he withdrew the curtain and the room became so dim, which was way more comfortable for Lilac’s eyes now

She tried to open her eyes again and without the disruption of the bright light, she was able to do so without so much difficulty this time

And the first thing she saw was; Hunter. The alpha lycan was standing right beside her bed, folding his arms, wearing a casual tunic and looked lazy with messy hair

Good morning, drunk woman,he said with a mirth in his eyes, seemingly amused by the sight of Lilac right now

Lilac gritted her teeth, she couldn’t answer his question because she felt horrible right now, she felt like the world was spinning and her stomach was churning. She could vomit anytime at this point

What is it? I don’t know that you have a weak stomach and low tolerance of alcohol, you should have told me last night and I will be glad to stop giving you drink. You look so happy to drink, so I don’t want to ruin your little escapee.” 

Lilac didn’t understand what he was talking about, but the more Hunter teased her, the more she could remember what actually happened last night. She drank so much and all of that was because of this manl 

Lilae really wanted to growl at him for talking to her like that, the audacity of this man was truly something that she should praise of 

You are the one, who got me drunk!Lilac shouted at him viciously with so much effort, as she felt the lumps on her throat was getting worst. She was going to vomit no matter how hard she tried

And right at that time, Hunter chose the wrong time to sit down on the edge of the bed and caressed Lilac’s upper arm and then went up to her head, thinking she felt a headache. Don’t be like that. I only want to be nice to you and last night, I was

Hunter didn’t have time to finish his words when Lilac vomited on him. She couldn’t hold it back anymore and the way Hunter patted her head and arm, made her nausea became even worst

Argh! What are you doing?!Hunter was stunned to say the least, he was unable to move when he watched how Lilac wretched her guts on him. The dirt was on his chest and he could feel this wet and warm damp seeped through his tunic. Not to mention the smell Argh! This is so disgusting!” 

Serve you right,Lilac grumbled, as she tried to give Hunter a nasty look, but she couldn’t muster the strength, neither the courage to openly mock the alpha, since she knew what she had done was very atrocious and she should have knelt in front of him to beg for forgiveness

Therefore, she could only grumble under her breath, as she watched Hunter walked into the room with only a towel around his hips and water drips from his hair and his tanned muscles

The sight of him half n*ked like this made Lilac blushed, her maiden heart couldn’t take it because this kind of sight was something that many young ladies wanted to see

He had a perfect b*dy, as if the god sculpted him with their own hands. What a sight to be held

What did you say?Hunter asked, he was scowling, but Lilac refused to look at toward his direction. He was a temptation and for the nth time, she forgot about Aiden because of him. What kind of spell he actually had for him to be so attractive, to the point it was so disturbing


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