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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

But, I only want you, Hunter replied simply to Lilac’s question, which made her speechless. Couldn’t he take this matter seriously? His answer made one to think he was only a spoiled little boy, who wanted a toy without any reason at all

Alpha HunterLilac started, but Hunter interrupted her

Hunter.He didn’t want her to call him with his title, but he should have known by now how stubborn this woman before his eyes could be

Alpha Hunter,” Lilac emphasized his title this time, refused to call him by his name, because it made her felt like they were close with each other. I will not to anywhere with you.” 

Unfortunately, it’s not up to you to decide.Hunter tilted his head. I am here to tell you about this, but your ex mate caused trouble and his mother had taken the liberty to inform you first, so you should know by now how it is impossible for you to refuse this one.He hinted at how Lilac had refused Aiden’s attempt to take him back and mend the broken bond

Lilac could refuse that, but not this one, since all the alpha had agreed and if she insisted not to go with Hunter, it would affect the whole purpose of the peace treaty and the lives of hundreds of prison wars in the lycan pack, whom Hunter promised to be released once Lilac stepped her feet on his pack

What can I do to make you change your mind?Lilac tried to negotiate, like what she did when she hurt him in the dark alley

There is nothing you can do to change my mind. I want you and I will get you. As simple as that.” 

Come. I will help you to pack up your things, what do you want to take?Hunter came here personally to do this, even though he could have sent someone to do it for him, or he didn’t need to do anything about it, since in the end Lilac would come with him

However, he didn’t bother enough to waste his time to come here for her

I don’t understandI need to talk with alpha James Lilac was caught out of guard and she still couldn’t believe, she was going to leave this pack 

Do you really think alpha James will budge? I offered hundreds of prison war in exchange of you alone. more so, even if by miracle you can make alpha James to change his decision, what do you plan to do with the other five alphas?Hunter stared at her intently. He was not being vicious, he only wanted her to know their current situation. All of the alphas heard about how Aiden wanted to banish you, they used that argumentation to agree with my request. Do you really think you can change that?” 

Hunter was right and Lilac knew that, she was only perplexed because her life had been upside down in the last few days. A month ago, she wouldn’t have imagined to leave the pack and live in another pack

Do you really want to live in this pack? Watching your ex mate plays a happy family with his firstborn! Do you really think you can still live in this small bedroom that you cherished? You are no longer the future Juna, of course, you need to move or even if the alpha and the luna took a pity on you and let you live here, do you really want to be here? So close with Aiden and Ruby!” 

The answer was no. Lilac didn’t want that. She didn’t wish to go through that

Seeing the shift in her; Hunter continued Come with me and start your new life in my pack

14:53 Sat, 30 Dec 

Chapter 33 


Lilac lifted her head and looked at Hunter. What is your intention to take me with you? Do you want to 

torture me?” 

Hunter raised his brows and then chuckled with her wild thought. Why do you think I want to torture you when you were not even in the battlefield? If I want to torture someone, it must be those warriors that I had caught during the war.” 

That made sense, but Lilac still couldn’t wrap her head with the idea this alpha lycan wanted her to come with him. She couldn’t understand that

Come with me and I will explain it one day.” 


So, you indeed have a hidden motive?Lilac narrowed her eyes


His honesty bothered Lilac so much

Lilac felt like she wanted the ground to split and swallow her whole. She wanted to disappear from the way these lycan warriors stared at her

They looked at her with a deep frown, some of them even openly glared at her, as if she had grown the second head or something


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