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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 

And why should I turn around?Micah crossed his arms in front of his chest. There was this amusement in his eyes when he spoke and this made Lilac’s face. turned even redder. She looked like she was about to cry when she naively. answered that question

Because I don’t wear anything.Lilac clutched her blanket

And then why?Micah couldn’t help, but continued this childish game. I have seen everything, Lilac and it is safe to say I have touched and licked every inch of your b*dy. What are you trying to hide from me? Is there something that I have not yet seen?” 

Hunter!This time, because she was too embarrassed, she raised her voice and growled, knowing this man found pleasure by teasing her. She was right! This man was so mean! Get out from the room!” 

Lilac threw a pillow at him

We just spent the night together, but you already threw me out of the room? I thought I satisfied you last night.Hunter leaned over very quick and landed a k*ss. on her l*ps before he pulled away from her again, a smirk on his l*ps because he could manage to make her flustered yet again. Did I do something that is not to your liking?” 

Hunter!Lilac buried her face against the pillow and Hunter laughed even harder, but he caressed her head and then walked out of the room, giving her the space she needed

I will wait outside of the door,” Hunter said before he closed the door and there was this quietness

Realizing Hunter was no longer inside the room, Lilac lifted her head and found. herself was alone in this room. She took a deep breath to control her thumping heart

Lilac thought, she knew how mischievous Hunter was, but as it turned out, she still did not the extent of his mischievousness

However, after her initial embarrassment, she felt her heart was so warm. Yes, it was annoying to be teased, but at least, she knew how much he wanted her

Somehow, with the way how Hunter treated her, this healed her self esteem that had been destroyed by Aiden’s betrayal

10:43 Mon, 1 Jan 0 ᄆ 

Chapter 85 

Her stomach grumbled once again when she was thinking about this, urged her to put on some clothes and immediately went out to the man, who had been waiting for her patiently. She was so hungry, it seemed, she needed to suppress the feeling of her embarrassment until she was fed

It took her ten minutes before she finally came out and saw Hunter was talking with Rye, he took her hand and ended the conversation with Rye

You need to be careful,Rye said as his parting words, he smiled and waved at Lilac before he walked away from them

What happened?Lilac asked out of curiosity. Because it was not everyday you would hear your gamma to ask 

you to be careful. This must be something important, though Hunter didn’t look concern about whatever the topic he was talking with his gamma

Nothing.” Hunter tucked strands of her hair and k*ssed her cheek. Let’s cook something.” 

You can cook?Lilac asked with her brows raised. It seemed, Hunter didn’t want to tell her, therefore, no matter how she coaxed him, she didn’t think he would tell her. More so, she was trained not to involve herself in a matter of the pack, especially when your mate was the alpha of the pack. There were a few secrets that they couldn’t tell you

Of course.Hunter looked proud of himself. There is no way I don’t know the basic skill to survive.” Despite the fact they could eat raw meat when they were in their beast form, but as shifters, they preferred to eat like human. It was way more. comfortable

Really?Lilac widened her eyes

Disbelief must be very apparent on her face when she asked for the confirmation of it, which made Hunter smirked

You can just sit and relax, I will cook something for you.” He pulled her closer and k*ssed the top of her head, which made everyone around them took the second glance when they walked past them

At this point, Hunter was no longer cared, he felt so happy to have Lilac in his arms right now. She was his and there was nothing could say otherwise, especially after he claimed her last night. Though, he supposed to mark her, but seeing how she was still trying to adjust with him and engage in this S**ual activity, he didn’t want to overwhelm her by marking her just yet

Okay, I want to try the food that you cook.” Lilac felt more comfortable with Hunter now, she hugged his arm and ignored the people, who stared at them when they headed toward the kitchen, just like what Hunter did


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