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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 

Lilac was not sure, whether she would die because of the pain or she was going to die because of the pleasure she got from Hunter

When Lilac reached her climax and her world shattered deliciously in pleasure, she screamed out of pain the moment Hunter sank his teeth on her n*eck, it was very painful, this marking process was even more unbearable than when she rejected Aiden, at the time their bond was broken

Lilac gasped, she couldn’t breath properly, as the pain spread throughout her entire b*dy, she was still riding her climax, somehow, the pain from the marking process only intensified her climax to the point it was really hurt

Hu- hunterstopLilac didn’t think she could bear this any longer, but instead of stopped what he was doing, she could feel his fangs dug deeper into her flesh. The smell of blood filled the cold night, carried by the wind

Lilac didn’t know what she felt anymore, as her whole b*dy was burning in so much pain and pleasure at the same time, she couldn’t hold it back anymore

It was not sure how long she passed out, but it seemed, it was not for long because she was still near the waterfall, where she could hear the rumbling sound not too far from where she was laying down. Hunter must have put on some clothes on her because she could feel this was not too cold


Hunter’s deep voice caressed her ears and this sent shivered down her spine. She loved his voice

Are you hurt somewhere?” 

Lilac tried to open her eyes, but she was too tired to do so, therefore, she chose to close them and stretched out her arms, looking for comfort from her mate

That was right. Lilac could feel this burning sensation on her n*eck. She was already marked

Hunter?Lilac could feel his arms comforted her when he hugged her

I am here little one.Hunter gave her a k*ss on her forehead. I wanted to take you back to the pack house, but you are sleeping so peacefully and every time I tried to move you, you will flinch because of pain. So, I thought, I will wait for a while here” 


Chapter 89 

Hunter explained himself about why they were still in the open area

HmLilac nuzzled against the crook of his n*eck and then k*ssed his him. How long I have been sleeping?her voice was still very weak, but she thought all of her training with Hunter was paid off now

Two hours,Hunter replied. Is it still very painful?” 

If it was her before, she wouldn’t have been able to wake up within a few days. Not reallyI am sleepy.” 

Sleep, little one, I will take you back to the pack house later.” 

Hm.Lilac snuggled against his chest and was thankful that Hunter was thoughtful enough to put on her dress, so she wouldn’t get cold. She became even more and more comfortable in this position when suddenly Hunter’s b*dy went stiff. Hm? What happened?She was about to fall asleep when suddenly Hunter moved away from her. He laid her down on the cloak that was placed beneath her

What are you doing here?Hunter asked someone

Lilac was alerted when she heard the hostility in Hunter’s voice: She tried to open her eyes, despite the sleepiness that kept lingering. She wanted to see, to whom Hunter directed his enmity of 

Well, wellI don’t know the alpha will be very shameless to have S** in the open area like this. Don’t you think this is a fate for us to meet again?He guffawed. Fateha ha ha!” 

Hunter didn’t find that funny at all

Who is he?Lilac was on alert when she felt this enmity feeling in the air. Whoever this person, he must not be a friend, seeing how strong Hunter reacted to his presence

However, Hunter didn’t answer her question, instead he stood up and shielded Lilac behind his back, as he faced this man

What now? Don’t tell me you have marked that outsider?he scoffed disdainfully. I still can’t believe you are the alpha of the pack. Your father will cry out of humiliation in his grave.” 

What do you want, Kellan?Hunter asked, coldness laced in voice, as one could feel the anger that emanated from his b*dy. He looked like he was going to kill this person right in this instant


Chapter 89 


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