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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97 

Ruby stared at Aiden. She felt her heart lurched when he brought a woman back to their pack. She was a lycan, without a doubt, she could sense it from her scent, but she didn’t have any idea, why her man would bring another woman here. She couldn’t grasp why Aiden colluded with a woman from the lycan pack

Who is she?Ruby asked, she approached Aiden with heavy steps, as she stared at the woman next to her mate. Why there is a lycan here?” 

That woman was very beautiful with voluptuous b*dy that made Ruby jealous and insecure, because she was currently very pregnant, thus she was not that attractive anymore, more so, Aiden became less and less cared about her well beings. As long as she brought their child to term, that was all he cared about

Go back to your room,Aiden said icily. He then proceeded to take the woman to her bedroom, which actually not too far from their bedroom

Who is she?” Ruby followed them, she couldn’t stop her aching heart from assuming the worst. Why are you with her? Who are you?” 

Enough!Aiden roared at Ruby, which made her startled and took a step back. Aiden looked like he was going to hit her or something

This was not the first time he showed such intention, but to her relief, he had never really gone through with his threat. He held himself back

Probably because of the baby in her stomach. Ruby started to think whether Aiden would really hit her if she had given birth to their baby since by that time there was nothing for him to be worried about

You don’t need to meddle with my business! Go back to your room!Aiden snapped at Ruby and watched the mother of his child rushed toward their room and slammed the door, very hard until could see the dust falling from the ceiling

Don’t you think you are too harsh?Grace asked


That was right, the woman was Grace. She was rescued from the dungeon and was brought to this pack. Her mother and sister would arrive later, as they managed to flee from the pack before Hunter issued an order to catch them all

It was lucky her father had foreseen that thing would happen and now it could be a bargain for Hunter. Don’t get involved in my internal matter,” Aiden said icily. He didn’t change his tone when he talked to Ruby and to Grace. He didn’t like this arrangement, but he didn’t have any other option. Make sure you don’t roam about this place and exposed yourself. There are a lot of things we need to settle down first and discuss about what we are going to do next now your father failed to escape.” 

It supposed to be Kellan, who discussed this matter with Aiden, but because that man failed with his rebellion against the alpha lycan, Aiden had to change his strategy too

Their meeting would happen within two weeks, he just received a letter regarding that. The lycan pack side only mentioned they were having internal struggle and would like to postpone the meeting to hand over all the war prisoner

Okay, okay. You don’t need to be hostile with me. I don’t know why are you treating me so badly.Grace raised both of her arms and they arrived at her bedroom. ButI am curious about the woman that you cheated on.” Grace glanced at the closed door of Aiden’s bedroom, where Ruby must be there, crying. She is not really beautiful, but why do you want to cheat with her?” 

Ruby wanted to know how to get man’s attention, especially the one, who had their own mate. She knew how the mate bond worked for werewolf, though it didn’t happen with the lycan

Therefore, she was thrilled to learn a thing or two about how to seduce a man who had their own. destined mate, which defied all the nature thing for this man to be so in love with the other woman and got her pregnant

Maybe Grace could learn something and apply it later when she finally met with Hunter again. it would, be a great thing for her after the whole ordeal

Yet, Aiden simply glared at her and then opened the door, Get in.His voice was firm and stern and Grace huffed and puffed when she got inside the room

She startled and furrowed her brows when Aiden slammed the door close right in front of her face once she was inside

Damn. Both of them have the same habit of slamming the door,she said with a frown. They are really not a good host.” 

But then, Grace shrugged her shoulders, she asked the wrong person. She should ask Ruby instead, since she was the one, who managed to get Aiden’s attention


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