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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 121

121 - We Can Fly


After dinner, we spent time with the entire family just answering questions, but I asked Lucy to keep the demon part of me a secret for now.

Not that I was ashamed of it, but I thought it would be too much to spill everything out tonight.

It was more important that we all focused on the fact that Lucy was now free from her father and free to stay with me.

Besides, telling them I was already part demon would require us to spend more time explaining it when all I wanted was to have Lucy for myself.

I only had her in my arms for a few minutes, and the longest one was when we were in the cove, and after not seeing her for a couple of weeks, I just want to spend time with her alone.

Just us.

As if reading my thoughts, Lucy yawned, and she looked like she was trying to be discreet about it, but from the way her eyes were gleaming with mischievousness as she looked at me, I knew she was finding a way to get us out of here.

"I think Lucy is tired.We should let them rest and continue this tomorrow."

Momma spoke up as she tapped Pops’, thigh where her hand was resting.

"Thank you, Momma.I was not able to sleep peacefully there, so I'm hoping for my first ever good sleep after a long time."

This time, her expression was real as she smiled warmly at everyone.

"You both take the rest you need.Don’t mind the pack for tomorrow, Adan.Collin is doing a great job, so I think a day or two more won’t be a problem.Am I right, Collin?"

It was Dad.

"Nope, not at all, especially now that we have Lucy back.It could be a week too, just do whatever you need to do to catch up."

Collin answered with his arms wrapped around Laira.

"And make sure an heir is part of the catching up..." Aeon added.

"Because time is clicking, and someone is getting older.And you don’t want to be an Alpha until you’re sixty, right?"

Alexa joked, and everyone began butting in, advising me on what to do.

I raised my hands in the air and motioned for them to stop before I chuckled.

"Don’t worry, we will try three pups right away to make up for the missed time.Is that acceptable?"

"Oh, Adan! One is enough, but if you’re going to give me triplets, that would be amazing.I loved Carlson and Nathaniel, but they're no longer babies.And with three, I can surely take care of them while you and Lucy are busy with the pack!"

Mom was rambling excitedly as Lucy’s eyes widened.

"And where does that leave me?" Dad asked, his forehead creasing.

"Sleeping on the couch from time to time ain’t that bad, Alpha Audrius." Kingston teased him.

"It looks like you know how that feels."

Dad teased him back as he winked at Lena, who was stifling her giggles.

I squeezed Lucy’s hand before I stood up and tugged her along with me, coiling an arm around her body as I pulled her to my side.

"Enough for now.We'll call it a night, and if we don’t show up for breakfast..."

"Then we know you’re having breakfast in bed," Momma interrupted as she winked at us, making Lucy cough as she suppressed her giggles.

I shook my head and turned our bodies around before I raised my hand in the air and waved at them.

"Goodnight, peeps! I know you probably want to hug Lucy goodnight, but she’s mine for now.We'll see you when we see you!"

I didn’t wait for any response as I guided us away from the receiving room while Lucy waved her hand at them until we reached the main hall that would lead us to the staircase.


Someone hissed her name softly, and our heads snapped in every direction until we saw Little Amara hiding under the Staircase.

"Why are you still awake?"

Lucy let go of me and opened her arms, which Amara immediately rushed into, and she carried her like she weighed nothing.

"You’re back! With your red hair!"

She kissed her on the cheek before hugging her tightly.

"Yes, I’m back! Did you miss me?" Lucy asked.

She nodded her head as she pulled away from the hug.

I then rested my chin on Lucy’s shoulder, bringing my face so close to theirs.

How about Uncle Adan? Was I replaced as your favorite?"

Amara giggled before she cupped my face and pecked my nose.

"You’re both my favorites now, but don’t tell Uncle Sebastian and Aunt Jenny, or Uncle Caleb and Aunt Anya, because I told them they’re my favorites."

I laughed heartily as Lucy softly pinched her nose.

"Then it’s our little secret, but did you know you’re allowed to have as many favorites as you can because, despite being small, our hearts expand to allow more people in them?"

"I know that.But you’re still my favorite.And Uncle Adan came second."

"Wow! I feel so honored! But I think you need to go to sleep now." She told her.

"Yes.Mommy doesn’t like when I sleep past my bedtime."

Lucy nodded in response.

"And it makes Daddy sad." She added.

"Really? Why?" Lucy asked innocently.

"Because when I can’t sleep, I stay in their room, and I think it makes Daddy sad."

I couldn’t help the laugh that came out of my throat because I surely knew why it made Aeon upset.It would make me upset as well.

Footsteps echoed around us as the rest of the crowd we left in the receiving room came out and saw us with Amara, but no one said anything as Amara began talking again.

"Uncle said you will have triplets for pups.Will they have wings too? Mommy said you have wings like the angels..."

I was glad Alexa didn’t hide anything from her and told her something near the truth until she was ready for it.

"I’m not sure, but I think they will," Lucy answered.

"I want to have wings too...I want to fly."

"Since you don’t have them, maybe one day I can take you and you can fly with me. But of course, only if Mommy agrees."

"Will you, Mommy?" thuy She asked innocently as a yawn crawled across her face.


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