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Besotted novel Chapter 33

The beeping of my phone got my attention as I picked it up to check that they have received the fee. It was a confirmation message from the university letting me know that the fees were paid on time. Only two weeks left until I fly off to Paris.

My face instantly brightened up thinking about that as I got up from the bed and combed my hair. I saw that there were split ends and they looked pretty dull. Probably the stress made them like that. I mentally made up a note to get my hair done before leaving for Paris.

Tying my hair up into a bun, I walked out of my room and fetched the red nail paint wanting to paint my toenails. It took me some minutes to apply the paint when I heard the doorbell.


I got up from my place and made my way to the door looking through the peephole to find a delivery boy.

"Yes?" I asked as I opened the door and he smiled handing me a bouquet.

"Wait! I didn't order them!" I said as I saw him leaving already. The teen delivery boy looked back at me and adjusted his cap before showing me his dimple smile as he walked away.

I looked back at the fresh peach-colored rose and inhaled its fragrance. A smile spread on my face as I searched if it had a note in it and surely it had one.

Peach colored roses mean appreciation. I am grateful that you came into my life. So thank you for coming and brightening up my life. I love you.

Yours only,


A deep sigh escaped my mouth as my eyes scanned at the note and I got back in keeping the rose on the table, holding his handwritten note in my hand. When all of a sudden the bell rung again.

"Now what?" I mumbled as I opened the door only to find three kids holding a bouquet of roses as they giggled and forwarded the bouquet to me.


They were already running away. Now I had three more rose bouquet of three different colors. I had difficulties holding the bouquet so I got back in and closed the door putting them on the table. Each one of them held a note and I picked up one from the orange rose bouquet.

Orange roses evoke energy and can indicate enthusiasm, desire, and excitement. Giving orange roses can symbolize your passionate romance and share your excitement of the relationship with your loved one.

These roses reflect how I feel whenever I see you. I am excited, enthusiastic, filled with desire whenever I get a glimpse of you. I want to share my excitement with you.

I truly love you.

Yours only,


I picked up the note from the lavender-colored rose.

It was actually a love at first sight. Though I am dense and stupid, I still wanna make you mine. With this lavender roses, I am reminding you that I will always be right behind you, watching your back.

I really love you.

Forgive me.

A smile broke out on my face as I read it again and again. Love at first sight?


The last yellow rose bouquet had a note sticking out at its end and as I picked it out there was another press on my doorbell. But I wanted to read it first before getting to the door so, I opened the note.

You are my warmth.

You have always brought joy, warmth, and happiness to my life and I had found solace in your warmth. Though I was stupid enough to not worship what I had got, I will still make it up to you.

I had always loved you.

Your love,


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