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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129 Late Night Visit I thought I was dreaming, so I palmed my forehead before laying back down.

However, the knocking continued, and I tensed up, asking, “Who is it?!” A voice from outside replied, “It’s me!” I couldn’t believe it.

My drowsiness disappeared as the person repeated, “Open the door, Chloe.

It’s me.” J I jumped out of bed and stumbled to the door.

My heart raced as I mumbled, “That voice sounds like… How’s that possible?” I peeked through the peephole and saw a tall figure standing in the dimly lit corridor.

My heart skipped a beat, and I trembled before opening the door.

I saw a weary–looking Atlas standing before me with a faint smile.

I stared at him in disbelief, fearing he would disappear if I blinked.

I asked shakily, “H–How’d you get here?” I wanted to throw myself into his arms but dared not.

He looked at me and pursed his lips, looking somewhat tired.

“I knew you were here, so I had to come.

Aren’t you glad to see me?” Then, he put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Let me in.” Finally, I gathered myself and stepped aside to make way for him.

He looked indifferent as he entered.

He noticed me standing barefoot on the cold floor and frowned before looking at me.

His eyes revealed a warmth I had never seen before.

“The floor’s pretty cold,” Atlas said, “You should put on some slippers.

I hurried inside and put on a pair of slippers, feeling awkward.

Η He removed his coat, which I hung in the closet.

My actions resembled a wife welcoming her husband home from a trip.

I had done such things countless times when I was with Matthew.

Then, I stood before him with my still–sleepy expression.

I looked innocent, not knowing how to start a conversation.

Atlas seemed at a loss, too.

His gaze lingered on me as if we hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

I couldn’t believe he visited me so late.

“How’d you get here? I asked, still in disbelief.


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