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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Tanum Corporation Is In Turmoil I kept my cool and looked at Josh.

“How has it been these past two days?” “Hey, don’t even get me started.

These guys are no pushovers.

They look at every detail, and I have worn out my mouth trying to explain that these are Matthew’s accounts.

They kept bugging me, saying they only deal with Tanum Corporation!” “You’ve worked hard, Mr.Josh,” I said, appearing to trust him.

“Any ideas on how we can make them see reason?” “Ms.Chloe, if you ask me, Matthew’s not a real man.

He should accept the court’s decision.

What’s the point of all this?” Josh shook his head.

“We should focus on our negotiations with suppliers.

You need a plan because the project is about to start!” “Yes, you’re right.

In the worst–case scenario, we can subcontract the project on hand.

It might mean earning less, but it’s a safer bet,” I said, looking at him helplessly.

“Do you have any suitable candidates?” Upon hearing my decision, Josh feigned regret.

“Are you set on this?” “What choice do I have? If Matthew keeps making trouble, we’ll play a game of cat and mouse.

I might get hurt, but he knows something others don’t!” I smirked at Josh.

In the end, good triumphs over evil, and I’m the sacrificial lamb.” Josh’s expression froze before he asked, “So, what’s our next step?” “We’ll take it one step at a time,” I replied.

Did he expect me to uncover the entire plan? How naive! “I’ve not seen Mr.

Ryan these past few days.

Is he on a business trip?” He asked a question that Melanie was keen on finding out.

“He took a few days off to visit his hometown! He’s AWOL at the worst possible time!” I grumbled.

“In that case, compile all those collection notices and give me a detailed report!” Josh agreed and left.

Not long after, Benjamin knocked on the door, speaking quietly when he entered.

“Chloe, Mr.

Josh was the only one who went out for lunch.

Everyone else seems normal.


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