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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Testing Him

Carol awaited my decision. After some thought, I looked at her and said, “Since he’s already here, let’s

meet him.”

Carol smiled. “He might be up to no good, you know.”

It’s u

up to us to decide whether to work with them, right?” I said dismissively, “Let’s see what he says.”

“All right, but please be careful.” Carol left, and I watched her go with a raised brow, feeling fond of her. A

while later, she led Damian into my office.

The chubby man appeared to be in his late thirties. He smiled and shook my hand to greet me, “Nice to

meet you, Ms. Chloe.” 1

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Damian. Have a seat.” I gestured toward the chair before my desk instead of

the sofa.

Thanks!” He sat on the chair. “I heard so much about you. People keep telling me how well your company

is doing.”

I chuckled. “I’m sure every contractor in Foswood has heard of how I almost ran the company to the

ground. I’m afraid you’re misinformed, Mr. Damian”

Damian blushed and smiled embarrassedly. “You’re being modest, Ms. Chloe.”

I asked, “So what can I do for you?”

“Oh, yes.” Damian dropped his smile. “I’m here to seek your help.”

He told me Echelon Group had several unfinished duplexes due to particular circumstances in the

preliminary construction phase. However, other buildings in the same project had been completed and

handed over.

The situation was awkward because the more prominent companies were unwilling to handle the units. In

contrast, Echelon Group didn’t want to risk engaging smaller companies for quality sake.


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