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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 The Haughty Womant

The unexpected female voice startled me, and I quickly looked at the caller ID. I was puzzled when I

noticed it was an unfamiliar number.


“H–I’m sorry! I–I was just.” I blushed as I started to explain myself, realizing my previous words were harsh.

1 don’t recognize your voice. May I ask who this is?”

The person on the other end didn’t answer my question, Instead, she asked in a distant but authoritative.

tone, “Is this Chloe?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

*Prepare some steel window designs and bring them to ATL Empire’s Design Division,” the woman’s

voice was cold and commanding, leaving no room for doubt. “Come in person.”

“All right.” Although I agreed, I couldn’t shake off my unease. I wondered who the woman was

she was so cold.

and why

I rushed to the technical department and got them to print my designs. Then, I brought the quality

inspection certificate and other validation documents before driving to ATL Empire’s Design Division.

Design Division was in the main building but was an independent department. Everyone knew ATL

Empire’s Design Division was highly authoritative. When I arrived on the designated floor, I explained my purpose, and the receptionist led me to the Chief Designer’s office.

There, I met a composed middle–aged woman in professional attire. As soon as I entered, she scrutinized

me from head to toe before finally settling her gaze on my face. Her gaze was cold and sharp, and she

seemed sure of who I was. She spoke without pleasantries, “The design,”

I politely handed over the designs I had brought. The woman wasted no time in taking them from me to


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