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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 A Surprising Gift

In the following days, Atlas would visit my home in the evenings whenever his schedule allowed, always arriving after Avb had gone to sleep.

I had been curious about Matthew. There had been no news of him, as if he had vanished. The sudden calm left me somewhat uneasy, but I didn’t dare bring it up with Atlas.

Things at the company were running smoothly, thanks to Grayson. Everything seemed to fall into place with him in the marketing department, and he and Ryan worked together seamlessly.

Stella called a lot, but I always made excuses and avoided meeting her. After the incident at the party, I knew her true intentions. Engaging in constant mind games with her was exhausting.

Today, I returned home early, went to the supermarket, and bought a bunch of groceries. Then I picked up my daughter, and while playing with her, I prepared several dishes. It had been a long time since I had put

this much effort into cooking.

Ava ran around and asked me, “Mommy, are you inviting someone over for dinner? Is it Uncle Ryan again

or Aunt Ivanna?

I looked at her adorable face. “Why do you ask?”

“Because we usually don’t eat that much!”

I chuckled, feeling a bit guilty. I resolved to make our days together even better from now on, no matter what. With the dishes prepared, I called Atlas.

He sounded a bit surprised when he answered. “Is something wrong?”

“Do you want to come over for dinner? I’ve already cooked!” I knew ATL Empire was close to my place. I wasn’t really expecting him to come when I made the call.

His voice sounded delighted. “Sure, I’ll be right there!”

With that, he hung up.

Then, I told Ava, “Mommy is inviting a friend over for dinner!”

She looked at me and asked, “Why?”

“He always helps me with my problems, and I can’t be ungrateful. We must remember to show gratitude. when others do something for us! It’s called repaying kindness!”

“Okay, I’ll remember that, Mommy!” She ran off to her room, holding her doll.




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