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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219

His Reason

My heart sank, and I felt his words weren’t for me. I sat motionless as I gazed at the breathtaking scenery before me. I wondered if this was the home under construction he had mentioned.

Atlas exited the car, took his luggage, and opened my door. He led me inside, and I matched his pace. The inside of the house was inexplicable. I heard a sudden exclamation as we entered, “Mr. Atlas, you’re


Several servants rushed over and took the luggage from Atlas. There was a chorus of greetings and laughter that followed. I knew these people were loyal to him.

When he got to his room, he pressed me against the door and said hoarsely, “It seems you didn’t miss


My heart ached, and I chuckled with a hint of bitterness. I lowered my gaze. I was always stubborn and never knew how to express what bothered me. Meanwhile, Atlas leaned in and stared at me as if trying to

read my thoughts.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to talk to me?” He continued to gaze at me, making me feel trapped.

His subtle fragrance made my heart race. I feared my eyes would show my longing for him. I avoided his


and mumbled, “No… I want to talk but don’t know what to say.”

Atlas lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. His eyes were tender, and he gently bit my lip. “I want to hear anything you have to say. I’ve missed you so much.”

My heart raced even more, and my breathing became shaky. I knew Atlas was flirting with me, but I couldn’t resist his charm. He cradled my face and asked teasingly. “Do you think you can escape me?”

He resembled a cat playing with a mouse, and I playfully pushed him away. “I never considered escaping. You can do whatever you want. I won’t resist.”

He froze like he understood the reason behind my mood. He moved away and approached the floor–to- ceiling window while I remained at the door.


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