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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 What a Coincidence

Isaw a black Maybach pulling up at the entrance. A tall and well–built figure appeared. He was charming In his black trousers and black shirt with two undone buttons. The man had meticulously groomed jet- black hair and wore sunglasses.

He drew the crowd’s attention when he removed his sunglasses. Soon after, he opened the car door and assisted an elegantly dressed woman. Her attire seemed exaggerated, with sunglasses, a scarf, and a mask.

However, the figure was alluring, and I knew she wasn’t Stella. She gracefully exited the car and wrapped her arm around the man’s arm. She appeared delicate and charming.

I recognized Atlas but not the woman. My heart ached, and I realized why he sounded so impatient earlier. It seemed he didn’t want me to waste time worrying about his whereabouts because he was busy pampering and accompanying that woman.

Although Atlas sounded irritated earlier, he was now smiling. I stared at him and the woman in a daze as they strolled into the clubhouse.

My heart was in my throat while my hands and feet grew cold. I felt numb and didn’t know how long I sat in my car. Suddenly, my phone rang and brought me to my senses. I glanced at my phone and realized Lauren had likely grown impatient from waiting. 1

“I’m at the entrance. I’ll come in soon,” I said before hanging up.

Since the clubhouse was close to Pleca Park, Atlas intentionally chose to come here. I chuckled bitterly and became a little teary–eyed. It was ironic.

As I was about to exit my car, Ivanna knocked on the window. I quickly opened the door, got out, and joked, “You’re fast. What, did you fly here?”

“Fast? I’ve been driving for thirty minutes!” she exclaimed, “Why do you look like shit?”


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