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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Taking the Wrong Approach

This idea made me feel helpless because I knew I had to face this alone. It had always been that way–1 had to save myself.

The lobby was crowded, but none of them were familiar to me. I felt even more lonely.

Back in the office, Carol brewed a cup of coffee for me. She watched me quietly, and I knew she was worried. I maintained an air of nonchalance while keeping busy. Thankfully, I had resolved the two previous issues and set everything in motion.

During lunch, I spotted Johnson. He seemed genuinely surprised to see me since we hadn’t seen each other in a long time.

He beckoned me over, and I joined him for lunch.

*Chlo! Long time no see! I heard things are going well on your end.” Johnson wore a big smile.

“It’s alright, I suppose. How’s Myra and your kid? Is he being a handful?”

“They’re doing great! No trouble at all!” Johnson ordered more food and said, “Mr. Matthew just closed a


deal with a company in the neighboring city. It’s a major contract, but he’s keeping it quiet. He seems really happy this time!”

Then Johnson added, “It’s quite strange.

“What’s strange about it?”

“He was attacked some time ago, but we don’t know who did it. He spent some time in the hospital, but Melanie hasn’t caused any trouble,” Johnson said. “There seems to be a reason for the attack. Otherwise, they’d usually make a big deal out of it.”

I knew exactly what Johnson was talking about, but I asked, “When did this happen?”

My question made Johnson nervous, but he smiled again. It seems you didn’t know either. It happened on the night of Echelon Group’s celebration.”

“I did see him boast.


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