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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244 A Delayed Confession

As I rushed out and ran toward the row of potted plants, I found nothing there. I stood there in confusion, knowing it wasn’t just my imagination.

Ryan suddenly appeared beside me. “Want some company for a walk?”

I looked up at his face. He was smiling warmly. A pang of guilt washed over me, so I nodded. “Sure.”

We walked together through the yard, side by side. Ryan made me feel at ease, never once mentioning why I had dashed out in the first place.

He chatted about our school days. Suddenly, I asked him, “Ryan, why can’t I remember my childhood?”

“Which part are you referring to? If it’s something related to me, I’ll help you recall it.” He looked at me with a smile.

I shook my head. “No, it’s from when I was younger. I remember everything with you, like when we first met in the teacher’s office. My dad asked Mr. Thomas to tutor me in physics.”

“Ah, yes, in Mr. Thomas’s office. You were wearing your school uniform and looked different from the others. Your hair was dark, your eyes were big, and you had long eyelashes. Some classmates started calling you Lash Princess.”

“Really? Why didn’t I know that?” I laughed. “Lash Princess” sounded a bit exaggerated.

“It was in the second semester of our sophomore year,” he recalled.

“That’s right! I’m talking about memories from before junior high. I don’t have any recollection of what came before. Have you ever experienced something like that?” I turned around and walked backward.

“Watch your step! Then he shook his head. “I haven’t. My memory has always been good.”

“It’s not that it’s bad, but…” I pondered, unsure of how to express myself.

Suddenly, I stumbled a bit. He swiftly reached out, catching me and pulling me into his arms. “Be careful!

You’re a mother now. Don’t be so mischievous!”

His tone was remarkably gentle.

Tell me, after all these years abroad, you haven’t met a girl you like? You’re so handsome! There must’ve been plenty of girls who liked you.”

He laughed, his eyes sparkding. “There was ane girl who always had a crush on me!”


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