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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 There’s No Escape

“Sure, where are you, Mr. Atticus?” I replied.

“I’m at the same clubhouse as last time. I’ll send you the location.”

“Okay!” I agreed and hung up, receiving the location from Atticus shortly after. After checking the location

and directions, I headed straight to the place. When I arrived, Atticus was already waiting there.

“Mr. Atticus.” I walked in briskly.

He wasted no time and poured me a cup of tea, saying, “I have a favor to ask of you, Ms. Chloe.”

Honestly, my impression of this man improved with each encounter. He was straightforward and didn’t play games. I said, “Go ahead.”

Since I was receptive, he pulled out a document and passed it to me. “Look at this first.”

I glanced at him curiously, then took the document. It was a project contract but not under Echelon Group. The development area was substantial, and someone had done the planning well.

However, I didn’t understand why Atticus showed me this contract. After reading it, I looked at him. “Mr.


He said thoughtfully. “That’s a mortgage contract. The other party can’t repay their debts, so it’s mine now. Still, I don’t want Echelon Group to handle it. Are you interested? All the paperwork is in order and


Consider it helping me out.”

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I replied, “I… Can I take some time to consider it? After all, I have another partner in the company, and I can’t make such decisions alone. Besides, I’d like to learn more about the contract and the situation beyond it. Of course, assuming you trust me enough.”

“Naturally, I trust you.” Atticus nodded and gave me detailed background information on the mortgage contract. He also explained why he didn’t want Echelon Group to handle it.

I knew there were risks and suspected that this situation wasn’t as straightforward as Atticus made it

  1. me. “You can take it with you.”

He hesitated momentarily, lowered his gaze, and then look disrespected you. Don’t mind her. That’s just how she is.”


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