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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 The Origin of the Diamond Card

“Hmph, who else would be a handful?” Ivanna growled, “I swear that woman’s digging her own grave.”

“Calm down, Ivanna. We’ll talk when we meet later.” I interjected, trying to avoid a rant.

I received another call as we talked. I glanced at my phone and saw Atlas’s name, so I told Ivanna, “Hang

  1. up. I have another call.”

When she ended the call, I answered Atlas’s, “Hello.”

“Who were you talking to?” he asked.


“Oh. Come to Pleca Park after work tonight,” Atlas said firmly.

“Sure!” I blushed but replied sweetly, “Aren’t you busy?”

“What do you think?” He sounded flirtatious, “You can help me relax.”

“Stop that” I lost my breath, thinking of how shameless he was.

He laughed, saying, “Do you know what you want to eat? I’ll prepare it for you.”

“I’m meeting the girls for local food soon. I’d prefer something lighter in the evening.” I replied confidently.

“That sounds doable. You can hang up now.”

I imagined how he looked after ending the call. I leaned on my desk while palming my head, still lost in thought. Suddenly, Lauren knocked and entered.

When she saw me daydreaming and smiling, she approached curiously and asked, “What were you daydreaming about? You’re beaming

1 quickly put away my smile and feigned ignorance. “I wasn’t daydreaming. I was just dealing with contracts and just finished a call.

Come on, let’s go. We can chat on the way. Did you reach Ivanna?” Lauren looked striking with her bag says remembered what she looked like when we first met.

struck gold yesterday I said while tidying my table and picking up my bag. As we left my

hought id embarrass myself, but it happened to the someone else’s unlucky day

“It’s all thanks to you!”


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