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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 Go All Out Against Her

Ivanna’s question surprised me. I looked at her in disbelief and asked, “What do you mean? Is she moving to Amethyst Apartments?”

Not only that–she’s also staying in the villa zone in your area! It should be pretty close to your place,” Ivanna said, frustrated, “The company has been too nice to her!”

Hearing that made me uncomfortable. I had a strange feeling I might have conflicts with Harmony. Although she and I looked similar, I felt uneasy when I first saw her. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ivanna’s impression of her had influenced my feelings.

Still, I knew others couldn’t influence me so easily. However, seeing Annalise’s photo gave me a sense of familiarity.

Lauren interrupted Ivanna, saying, “I thought we came here for a relaxing meal. Can we change the subject? Talking about Harmony affects my appetite.”

I obliged and said, “Hey, guess what? Melanie gave birth.”

“What?!” Ivanna exclaimed. I succeeded in shifting her attention.

“Is it time already?” she asked, wide–eyed.

I casually replied, “It was a premature birth by cesarean section.”

“How do you know?” Lauren also became interested. After all, we were familiar with Matthew and Melanie. Mentioning them always riled us up. Nonetheless, I explained what had happened in detail.

1 can’t believe it!” Ivanna slammed her spoon on the table. “I knew it wasn’t that simple!”

I found the surveillance footage Johnson had sent me on my phone and showed it to them. Lauren and

Ivanna were furious.

Well. Matthew finally has a son this time. Hopefully, he’ll simmer down now,” Ivanna said, “It’s good as long as he bothers you less


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