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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306 The Cops Are Here Again

I remembered something and said to Ryan, “Speaking of Atlas’s injury, I haven’t seen or heard anything about Dylan since then. Is Dylan also seriously injured?”

I looked at Ryan in puzzlement.

He nodded and replied. “You’re right. Dylan should be injured, too.”

“He was in the same car as Atlas. Judging from the car’s condition, Dylan should also be seriously injured.” I recalled what I had seen on the screen that day. Indeed, the car was severely damaged.

“Chlo, trust that Atlas will be okay. You need to relax,” Ryan reassured me, fearing I would get worked up

again, “Sometimes, we must think things through.”

I helplessly nodded and said, “There’s nothing else I can do. I can’t see how Atlas is, so I can only wait.

Please check on the progress of our project in the next few days, especially the project with ATL Empire.

We must carefully avoid any mistakes to prevent Celine from causing trouble.”

Just then, someone knocked on my office door. I said, “Come in!”

Carol entered and whispered, “Ms. Chloe, those two cops are here again.”

I frowned and told her, “Let them in.”


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