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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 309

Chapter 309 She Came on Her Own

Yesterday, Ivanna told me that Stella had visited Harmony. Today, I was surprised to see Harmony at my


I leaned into my office chair as I watched Harmony saunter in. I smirked and said, “Hey, Ms. Harmony, did you wander into the wrong office? Although we’re neighbors, we have no business together.”

Harmony responded playfully, “What’s wrong with that? You should be honored that I came here. Not to brag, but many companies want to hire me.”

stood up with a bright smile, walked out from behind my desk, and sat on the couch. After gesturing for Harmony to join me, I said, “You’re right. Since you’re a guest, please have a seat.”

Harmony appeared playful and elegant as she sauntered to the couch. She put down her bag and put it aside. She looked at me and said, “I didn’t expect your company to be so well–organized. I

underestimated you.”

Her words made me see her in a different light. I was surprised that she dared to speak the truth. I agreed

that she had underestimated me.

I didn’t hide my dislike for her, saying, “You don’t have to flatter me. I’m just a small business owner trying to make a living. I’m just a nobody to a famous person like you. Let’s talk.”

Strangely, Harmony didn’t get angry this time. Instead, she casually asked, “What’s this? You don’t even offer me a cup of coffee? Is that how you treat your guests?”

I raised an eyebrow, stood up, and confidently spoke into the intercom on my desk, “Ms. Harmony wants some coffee. We have as much coffee as you want. I guarantee our coffee is top–notch.”

She glanced at me and said, “All right, don’t push it. I just want one cup.”

For some reason, Harmony seemed much improved today. She looked like she had a newfound clarity, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I hadn’t laughed so heartily in a while. Still, I wondered why this


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