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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 314

Chapter 314 A Quick Glimpse

I spun around, but the figure hurrying away was now a fading silhouette. The figure vanished quickly. Still, the build, the height…

Feeling something was off, I followed the figure to the roadside, but there was no trace of anyone.

That captivating glimpse seemed more like an illusion. I scolded myself for paying attention to the scenery, not the person passing by.

But I knew who I saw, even if he was dressed in all black and wearing a low–brimmed cap. Though I

couldn’t see his face, his presence was….

I stared around blankly until Carol returned to find me. Then I reluctantly followed her, still staring at

either side of the path.

Throughout the entire meal, that figure remained on my mind.

The next day, I went to see Nick. I said nothing about what happened, but I insisted on seeing Atlas. It didn’t matter if he was still unconscious. I needed to see him.

My firm stance made Nick uneasy. Even though his face darkened, I stood my ground.

“Otherwise, I’ll head straight to Pleca Park. I must see him.”

In the end, Nick conceded. “Then wait for my call. I’ll arrange it.”

His words irked me. Arrange?

“What do you need to arrange?” I asked, studying his expression.

I wanted to see what was happening, not what someone had arranged. I didn’t want to believe anyone

else now. I only believed what I saw.

Don’t forget, there are eyes around him. It’s not as simple as you think. We can’t bear the consequences

of your stubbornness,” Nick said bluntly.

His expression was serious, and I could sense a touch of warmth.


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