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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324 Hate Provocation

gently held Carol’s wrist with a strained smile. “Melanie, are you sure about this?”

Seeing that Carol was already upset, Stella added fuel to the fire. “Melanie, why bring this up at a time like


Melanie knew her words were having an impact and continued to play the victim.

“I’m happy. Otherwise, none of you would get to see my son today, and Matthew wouldn’t be as happy as he is now! Let’s not hold grudges, Chloe, I won’t blame you for causing me to give birth prematurely. Can’t

we all get along? After all, we’re all part of the Murphy family!”

“I’m not part of it,” I couldn’t help but retort.

The onlookers immediately turned their stern gazes toward me. I could tell that if I said “no,” they might

tear me apart. I smirked, realizing how cunningly they had orchestrated this.

It was a blatant attempt to turn everyone against me. One wrong step and my reputation in the city would

be irreparable. I would be labeled a scheming woman.

This was precisely what the three women wanted.

I maintained a composed facade as I looked at Melanie. Then, I stood up and surveyed the entire hall. I spotted Matthew chatting with a few business partners not far away. There was no way he didn’t know

what was going on.

“Matthew!” I called out loudly, causing Myra to turn pale with fear. Carol glared at Matthew, then marched

toward him.

The entire room turned their attention toward me, some expressing discontent. I saw a smug expression

on Liora’s face.

As expected, Matthew acted as if he hadn’t heard my call. Carol forcibly pulled him over when she

reached him

With a resigned expression, Matthew stood in front of us. He smiled and asked, “Ms. Stella, Mrs. Liora,


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