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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Inexplicable Affinity

Grayson looked at me as if he had entertained a similar suspicion. Then, he asked, “So, who fell off the cliff? There were witnesses and physical evidence. Even Mr. Atlas saw it with his own eyes!”

“How could this be?” I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

It was more of a mutter to myself, but suddenly, a memory surged. It was something Atlas had said to me.

I recalled him telling me, “Annalise means nothing to anyone, especially not to me!”

In light of Grayson’s words, Atlas’s statement held a different meaning. It appeared that Atlas was

keeping something from me.

He had said he would reveal it once the clues connected. Coupled with Grayson’s revelations, I was now thoroughly convinced that the information they had found didn’t add up.

“What about Rory? Any leads on him?”

This man held a certain allure for me. After all, he was Stella’s father.

Plus, I sensed a certain distance in Stella’s attitude toward her parents. It wasn’t just indifference but a kind of numbness. Every time she spoke of them, it was with an air of detachment. It left me somewhat


I couldn’t believe she was so apathetic towards her own parents, even if she had grown out of her

rebellious phase.

Moreover, from my time with her, I sensed she didn’t hold a particularly significant place in Celine’s heart.

I could tell that day outside the emergency room when Atlas was injured. She looked at Celine with fear,

trembling at a single sharp glance from her.


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