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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 A Major Change

The news from ATL Empire was indeed shocking. They not only replaced Nick, but several other key positions were shuffled as well.

Just then, Celine suddenly made Atlas’s condition public and even released a photo of him in a coma.


was harsher than I expected. As soon as I received the news, I called Nick. His demeanor remained calm and gentle, not avoiding the truth.

“Mr. Nick, I’m sorry. Is this my fault?” I sincerely apologize to Nick. I felt a heavy weight in my heart.

“It relates to your situation, but the outcome was inevitable. So, you need not blame yourself.” Nick didn’t sound reproachful, which made me feel even more guilty.

“Well… How is Atlas?”

“There’s still no sign of him waking up, but one day he will,” Nick stated firmly. “No one can replace his


“Yes… Mr. Nick, if there’s any news about him, please let me know.”

“Of course

I sensed he didn’t have much more to say, so I reluctantly hung up. Observing the garden through the

window, my heart sank. If only I could stay with him and wake him up.

Timothy Benit, Nick’s replacement, summoned me two days later.

He adopted a strictly businesslike demeanor, inquiring about the cooperation between ATL Empire and

Tanum Corporation.

After our discussion, we received a notice that ongoing projects had to be completed on time with high

quality, while all projects in the planning phase were put on hold.

This was within my expectations. Fortunately, I had maintained good communication with my suppliers,

so there wasn’t excessive inventory.

However, the pressure weighed on me, making it hard to catch my breath.

Ryan continued to comfort me. “This is a good thing. It’s a wake–up call, teaching us to face unexpected

events. We can’t pin all our hopes on one thing. That’s been our weakness. Our immediate priority is to

as long as I could secure the interests of those working 1


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