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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Meeting Him at Vanderberg Palace

Atticus quickly answered the call. He said hoarsely, “Hmm, Ms. Chloe? What’s the matter?”

I glanced at Lauren, and she nodded reassuringly, urging me to speak.

“Um… are you at the company? I’d lik


to discuss something with you,” I said, still lacking confidence.

“Sure, go to Vanderberg Palace. I’ll be there in a while,” he responded promptly.

I felt dazed because I did not know what Vanderberg Palace was. Lauren saw my confusion and patted

my hand, signaling me to end the call.

“All right, see you later,” I replied awkwardly before hanging up. Then I turned to Lauren and said, “I don’t

know where Vanderberg Palace is.”

Lauren laughed at me mockingly. I felt embarrassed and asked, “Hey! Why are you laughing?!”

“Because I know where it is. Hahaha,” Lauren continued to tease me. “I should’ve driven you around more

when we had nothing to do. You should have some fun driving around. Geez, you embarrass me


Soon after, we arrived in front of a tranquil courtyard. Lauren looked at me and said, “We’re at Vanderberg


I looked outside and saw a charming little courtyard. It had an antique signboard at the entrance that

read Vanderberg Palace.

“Is this the place Atticus referred to?” I questioned with a hint of skepticism.

“Yeah, let’s go in. Vanderberg Palace is a clubhouse. I’m surprised you don’t know this place.” Laurent

rolled her eyes at me. “I should give you a crash course. If Liora finds out you don’t know this place, she’ll

roll on the floor with laughter.”

I followed Lauren inside and realized how spacious the place was. It had Victorian–style aesthetics that

exuded elegance. Lauren whispered, “The owner is Ms. Vanderberg. Her background is pretty impressive.


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