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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354 Information From the Dead

I sighed heavily as we left ATL Empire. Carol sensed my mood and offered to drive. I handed her the car keys without a second thought and got into the car.

As I looked at the building through the car window, I smiled bitterly. Its existence felt almost like a mirage to me, something that might vanish at any moment. It was possible that I was just a silly presence from the start, or maybe even just a shield.


Back at the office, I was in low spirits. Carol kept the staff away from me and left me alone in my office. I sat in my chair and stared out the window, trying to piece together the entire process of knowing Atlas. Despite remembering every detail, I couldn’t make sense of our relationship.

I lost track of time.

Eventually, Carol knocked on the door, holding an invitation card. She asked softly, ‘Ms. Chloe, ATL Empire is hosting an appreciation party for old clients tonight at Starlight International, Are you…going?”

Since we were also clients of ATL Empire, I had no reason not to attend.

“Of course I’ll go! Tell Mr. Ryan to come pick me up at 6 p.m. from my house. I’ll head home now,” I said,

picking up my bag.

Just as I was about to leave, Grayson hurried in. I felt anxious and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Grayson said, “Chlo, I got hold of the data on Kennedy’s USB drive!”

I widened my eyes in disbelief and looked at Grayson. “Y–You mean the USB drive he was holding when

he died?”

“Yes. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to get it,” Grayson replied solemnly.

“What’s on it?” I asked, my palms sweating.

After all, this person had interacted with me, and there was a record of our conversation. His life ended with that call, and I felt a deep sense of guilt and unease.

Without thinking, my mind wandered to Kennedy’s youthful and gentle face.


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