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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 356

Chapter 356 The Host’s Date

When we arrived at Starlight International, the parking lots were packed and it took a while for us to find a


We eventually made our way into the venue, which was teeming with people. The guests at the event were ATL Empire’s clients from various industries, as the company had diverse business interests.

I felt a little underdressed compared to the elegantly attired ladies in the room. Most of the women looked angelic and exuded gracefulness.

Ryan seemed to sense my discomfort. Our arms were linked, and he patted my hand. “This style suits you the best. Otherwise, you’d stand out too much!”

I smiled and said, “You’re just trying to humor me.

Ryan looked at me warmly. “I’m not just humoring you. Let’s take a quick tour, and if you’re not comfortable, we can leave. The crowd is quite diverse today, so we don’t need to stay too long.”

I surveyed the bustling hall, and he was right. it was more like a Christmas party and didn’t seem entirely

suitable for us.


Today appeared to be a gesture tude to old clients. These customers appeared to be of a variety of nationalities, rather than just locals. After all, ATL Empire’s true owner had returned, and none of these

clients dared to dismiss the significance.

Just then, someone exclaimed, “Look, Mr. Atlas has arrived!”

All eyes turned toward the entrance as Atlas walked in, dressed in a sharp black designer suit with a maroon necktie. His striking features and regal appearance drew the attention of everyone in the room. It

was as if he radiated nobility.

Harmony stood by his side, wearing a light blue A–line dress that accentuated her legs. She looked

stunning and captivated everyone in the room.

Everyone was admiring the beautiful couple.

As I gazed at Harmony’s face, I felt strange. It was as if I could see myself clinging to Atlas’s arm.

Even Ryan couldn’t help but say, “She really looks like



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